Horizontal line on your phone screen: What to do?

Have you noticed that a your phone screen It can be light or dark, steady or flashing, and appear horizontally. This problem can be very annoying, as it can affect the display quality and readability of the content. What to do in this case? What are the possible causes of this phenomenon? How to solve or prevent it? Here are some answers.

Possible causes of the appearance of a horizontal line on the phone screen

A horizontal line on the phone screen can have several origins. It may be due to:

  • A shock or a fall: the screen may be cracked or broken.
  • A manufacturing defect: the screen may have a soldering , connector, or component problem.
  • Improper handling: the screen may have been cleaned with an unsuitable product which damaged the protective layer or the anti-reflective coating.

Possible solutions to resolve the problem

If you notice that a horizontal line appears on your phone's screen, there are a few possible solutions , including repairing your smartphone yourself .

Here are some suggestions.

Restart your phone 

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This is the simplest and quickest solution to try. The horizontal line may be due to a software bug or a malfunctioning application . By restarting your phone, you can reset the system and fix any errors.

To restart your phone, long press the power button power supply select the “ Restart ” or “ Power off ” option, then turn it on again.

Take a screenshot 

To take a screenshot, press the power supply and Volume Down buttons simultaneously for a few seconds, then release them. Then open the screenshot and zoom in on it.

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If the horizontal line moves with the screenshot, this means that there is a software problem. If the horizontal line remains fixed, this means that there is a hardware problem.

Another solution, you can view your Android screen on PC via USB and compare the images. This would check if the problem is with the touch screen or the display system.

Update system or applications

This is a solution to resolve potential compatibility or performance issues that may affect the display.

  • To update the system , go to your phone's settings, then to the "System" or "About phone" section.
  • Then select the “ System Update ” or “Software Update” option and follow the instructions.
  • To update applications , go to the Play Store or the App Store, then, in the section. “My apps” or “Updates”.
  • Then select the apps you want to update and tap the “Update” button.

Reset your phone

This is a radical solution that can restore your phone to factory settings and erase all personal data.

This solution may be useful if the problem persists after trying the other solutions. Please note, this operation is irreversible and you must save your data before carrying out it.

  • To reset your phone, go to your phone's settings, then “System” or “Backup & reset”.
  • Reset phone ” or “Restore factory settings” option

Tips to prevent the problem

If you want to prevent the problem from happening again, there are a few your phone's screen Here are some recommendations:

Protect your screen with a case or film 

This is an effective way to prevent your screen from breaking or scratching in the event of an impact or fall. You can choose a hard or soft shell, transparent or colored, depending on your preferences.

You can also opt for a protective film , made of tempered glass or plastic, which covers the surface of the screen and which can be easily replaced.

Clean your screen with a suitable product 

This is an important step to prevent your screen from getting damaged or dirty. You should use a product specifically designed to clean touchscreens , such as a cleaning spray or wet wipe.

You should also use a soft, dry cloth or a slightly damp cloth to wipe the screen without scratching it.

Avoid sources of heat or humidity

This is an essential precaution to prevent your screen from becoming distorted or short-circuiting. You should keep your phone away from sources of intense heat, such as the sun, a radiator, or an oven, and from sources of high humidity, such as rain, steam, or condensation.

You should also avoid leaving your phone in a place that is too hot or too cold, such as a car in summer or winter.

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FAQ about: A horizontal line on the phone screen: what to do?

What causes the horizontal line on phone screen?

The horizontal line on the phone screen is caused by an anomaly in the LCD panel or the touch screen. This could be a crack, breakage, separation, short circuit, or poor connection.

These anomalies can be caused by shock, a fall, excessive pressure, overheating, humidity or a manufacturing defect.

What is the impact of the horizontal line on the operation of the phone?

The horizontal line on the phone screen may have a negative impact on the operation of the phone. It can lead to:

  • A loss of display quality, which can make content blurry, distorted or unreadable.
  • A loss of touch sensitivity, which may prevent the phone from responding to commands or gestures.
  • A loss of phone performance, which can slow down the system or applications, or cause bugs or crashes.
  • A loss of phone security, which can expose the phone to viruses or malware, or compromise personal data.

How to test if the horizontal line is caused by the touch screen or the display system?

There are several methods to test whether the horizontal line is caused by the touch screen or the display system. For example, you can:

  • Take a screenshot by pressing the power supply and Volume Down buttons simultaneously for a few seconds. If the horizontal line appears in the screenshot, it means that it is caused by the display system. If the horizontal line does not appear in the screenshot, it means that it is caused by the touch screen.
  • Connect your phone to an external display via an HDMI adapter or USB cable. If the horizontal line appears on the external screen, it means that it is caused by the display system.

How to fix the horizontal line if it is caused by the touch screen?

  • Replace the touch screen with a new part.
  • This is the most effective solution, but also the most expensive. You can hire a professional or do it yourself if you have the necessary tools and skills.
  • Stick clear tape over the crack or break. This is a simple and inexpensive solution, but also unreliable. You can use regular adhesive tape or specific adhesive tape for touch screens.
  • Apply toothpaste or nail polish to the crack or break. It’s a clever and economical solution, but also not very durable. You can use any type of toothpaste or clear nail polish.

How to fix the horizontal line if it is caused by the display system?

If the horizontal line is caused by the display system, there are several possible solutions to repair it. For example, you can:

  • Replace the LCD panel with a new part. This is the most effective solution, but also the most expensive. You can hire a professional or do it yourself if you have the necessary tools and skills.
  • Repair the soldering, connectors or defective component. It is a complex and risky solution, but also cheaper. You can use a soldering iron, multimeter or electronic repair kit.
  • Reset phone display settings. This is a quick and easy solution, but also unsafe. You can go to the settings of your phone, then to the “Display” or “Screen” section. You can then change the brightness, contrast, resolution or display mode.

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