Qtwebengineprocess is a file that belongs to QtWebEngine , a software component developed by Qt Company . This file is used to display web content in Qt-based programs. It is not essential for Windows , because it is not a system file nor a Windows . It is a 32-bit executable file, as indicated by its .exe extension .
In most cases, you can find Qtwebengineproces s file/process in software like Dropbox , Origin , Hipchat , etc. However, sometimes this file can be harmful to your computer and considered as a virus. Whether you should delete it or not depends on the location of the file. So, if you want to know more about the location of the Qtwebengineprocess , please continue reading the next part.
Where is the Qtwebengineprocess file located?

Qtwebengineprocess.exe file is located in the subfolder of C:\Program Files (x86) . According to the survey, if you find the file is in a subfolder of the user's profile folder, the dangerousness rate is around 63%. If the Qtwebengineprocess.exe file is located in a subfolder of C:\, the danger rate is approximately 40% . If the file is located in a subfolder of the Windows for temporary files, the dangerousness rate is approximately 56% . Additionally, some viruses/malware camouflage themselves as Qt Qtwebengineprocess especially when it is located in the C:\ Windows or C:\ Windows \System32 . For this, you need to check if it poses any threats to your computer using a paid and reliable antivirus program .
How to remove Qtwebengineprocess.exe?
After reading the above content, you may be wondering how to remove Qtwebengineprocess.exe file when it is harmful. You can follow these different methods.
Method 1: Remove Qtwebengineprocess.exe Manually and Permanently
Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together to call up the Task Manager window.
Step 2: Navigate to the Qtwebengineprocess . exe , then right-click it and select the End Task option from the context menu .

Step 3: Go to the folder where the Qtwebengineprocess.exe file is located and delete it.
Method 2: Uninstall programs that use the qtwebengineprocess file
Step 1: Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features

Step 2: Select the program you want to uninstall and click Uninstall
Method 3: Use anti-malware or anti-virus software to scan your computer
Step 1: Download and install anti-malware or anti-virus software of your choice

Step 2: Launch the software and perform a full scan of your computer
Step 3: Follow the software instructions to delete the qtwebengineprocess file or quarantine it if it is detected as malicious
Method 4: Clean Your Windows Registry with a Registry Cleaner Tool
Step 1: Download and install a registry cleaning tool of your choice
Step 2: Launch the tool and perform a Windows registry scan
Step 3: Follow the tool's instructions to remove invalid or corrupt entries related to qtwebengineprocess file
Method 5: Change settings of browsers that use the qtwebengineprocess file

Step 1: Open the browser that uses the qtwebengineprocess file, like Chromium
Step 2: Go to browser settings menu
Step 3: Click on Extensions or Add-ons
Step 4: Manage items you want to disable or delete
How to fix some common issues with the Qtwebengineprocess file?

Sometimes the Qtwebengineprocess file can cause issues like:
- High CPU or disk usage
- System errors or warning messages
- Conflicts with other programs
- System slowdowns or
To resolve these issues, here are some helpful tips:
- Update your computer drivers
- Scan your computer with an or anti-malware program Windows Defender is a great alternative!
- Uninstall or reinstall programs associated with the Qtwebengineprocess file
- Clean your Windows registry with a registry cleaning tool
- Perform a Windows System Restore to a date before the problem
What are the advantages of the Qtwebengineprocess file?
The Qtwebengineprocess file allows you to integrate web content into programs that do not have their own web engine . This can improve the user experience and functionality of programs.
What are the disadvantages of the Qtwebengineprocess file?
Like the Net Runtime Optimization Service , the Qtwebengineprocess file can consume a lot of system resources , which can affect the performance of your computer. It may also be infected with viruses or malware, which may compromise the security of your computer .
How do I know if the Qtwebengineprocess file is legitimate or malicious?
You can check the location of the Qtwebengineprocess file and compare its size and digital signature with those of the original file . You can also use an antivirus or anti-malware program to scan the file for any potential threats.
How to prevent Qtwebengineprocess file from running in background?

You can disable the Qtwebengineprocess file by using Task Manager or by changing the settings of programs that use it . You can also delete the Qtwebengineprocess file if you don't need it or it is harmful.
What are the target platforms of Qtwebengineprocess?
Qtwebengineprocess supports all Qt supported platforms except WinRT. However, there are some limitations due to different Chromium requirements. For example, Qtwebengineprocess only supports Windows Vista or later as a target platform. Windows XP is not supported.