What PC configuration to play Fortnite at 144 fps?

There are two possible approaches to choosing the PC configuration suitable for 144 fps on Fortnite. The simplest way is to follow the minimum required recommendations. However, the most accurate method is to use benchmarks on different combinations of components.

Recommended configuration for Fortnite

Many websites provide detailed information on the ideal setup suitable for Fortnite. However, these are recommendations and not precise indications.

For the case of Fortnite, the recommended specifications are as follows:

  • Processor (CPU ): Core i5 2.8 GHz
  • RAM : 8 GB
  • Hard disk (HDD) : 16 GB of free space
  • Graphics card (GPU) : Nvidia Geforce GTX 660, AMD Radeon HD 7870 or other equivalent graphics cards with 2 GB VRAM or more.
  • Operating system (OS ): Windows 7, 8 or 10 at 64 bits
  • DirectX version : 11 or higher
Fortnite PC game setup

The components shown in these listings are for reference only. This is especially true for the processor, graphics card and RAM. The requirements of your operating system and DirectX version can indeed be taken as exact indications. For you to play Fortnite on your gaming PC, you will need components equivalent to or superior to the types of CPU, GPU and RAM presented above.

If you want to be equipped like a pro gamer, we invite you to discover the ultimate gaming setup for Fortnite !

The equivalents of an Intel Core i5 CPU at AMD range from Ryzen 3 to Ryzen 7 , depending on the generation used. The RAM class can be DDR3 or DDR4 RAM .

The best PC for playing Fortnite!

Use a monitor suitable for 144 fps

A computer's accessories do not a priori have a direct influence on its performance. Unless it's your PC screen! The monitor affects the graphics and frame rate of your games based on two factors. These are the resolution and refresh rate.

Resolution is the sum of pixels that the screen can display in a horizontal and vertical line. This is why it is defined by values ​​such as 1280×1024 or 640×480. A given screen can only deliver images within the limits of its maximum resolution. A 1440 p monitor including a maximum resolution of 2560 × 1440 compared to 1920 × 1080 for a 1080 p screen.

pc gaming for fortnite

It is possible to play at 1440p on a 1080p screen by enabling DSR in the settings of an Nvidia graphics card . The equivalent of this setting on AMD GPUs is Virtual Super Resolution. The idea behind these settings is to simulate 1440p resolution on a screen normally limited to 1080p. Some games can immediately support going to 1440p on a 1080p native resolution screen. Others, however, will require you to activate DSR or Virtual Super Resolution.

The refresh rate is directly linked to the number of images per second. Many people think that these two concepts are synonymous. However, they have very different meanings. Refresh rate is the speed at which a screen can refresh the images displayed. This parameter is measured in hertz.

The 3 best PC screens in 144 Hz for Fortnite!

FPS defines the number of images that the screen will display for your game in one second. The number of frames per second depends on your system configuration. The refresh rate is defined by the design of your computer's monitor. However, these two concepts complement each other to offer you fluid, quality images. To get 144 fps on Fortnite with your PC, make sure to pair it with a monitor with a 144 Hz refresh rate.

Want a new quality screen to play Fortnite? Here is our comparison of the best 144 Hz PC monitors !

FPS Requirements in Competitive Shooting Games

Shooting games

The biggest myth in animation is that the human eye captures no more than 24 frames per second (fps). The 24 fps theory, however, has no connection with human physiology. This principle is linked to the economic and technical aspects of the beginnings of animation. Technology has improved over the years to increase frames per second requirements. A rate of 30 fps is today the minimum requirement for quality animations, with 60 fps as a comfortable value.

The number of perceptible fps also varies depending on the visual acuity of each person. The US Air Force was able to observe this by subjecting fighter pilots to a visual acuity test. The experiment revealed that these pilots could discern an aircraft and its model in a video sequence broadcast at 220 fps.

The idea of ​​playing Fortnite above 60 fps is not as crazy as it seems. Fortnite is a competitive shooter like CS GO, Overwatch, PUBG and Apex Legends. This type of game is known for placing great importance on the number of frames per second in its gameplay. The fps rate required for optimal efficiency in this type of game is notably 144 fps or more.

Jen Huang, CEO of Nvidia, reinforced this idea during the presentation of the rtx 30 series graphics cards. He indeed declared that a high fps proportionally increases the 'Death Kill' radio in competitive shooters . Death kill ratio is an eSports performance metric based on two elements. The first is the number of players you eliminated in a game. The second is the number of times you were killed during a game.

Difference between performance and image quality

gaming fortnite pc screen

Building a PC to play video games can be approached from two angles. It's about performance and image quality. Performance is even more reflected in the fluidity of your gaming experience. This means that you will not experience any latency, stuttering or frame cuts during your game.

The image quality speaks for itself. This is the level of detail you can perceive while playing a specific game. This includes shadows, textures, light reflections, particle effects, etc. Performance and image quality are not fundamentally inseparable. This will mainly depend on the performance of your machine and the game you are going to play.

Fortnite is not the most remarkable PC game in terms of image quality. Titles like Control and Red Read Redemption 2 far surpass it in graphics. Fortnite is quite demanding in terms of machine specifications, however. However, these requirements are not aimed at obtaining good image quality, but rather at a higher number of images per second.

Use benchmarks on different component combinations

If the system recommendations are not exhaustive, how can you determine the configuration necessary to have 144 fps on Fortnite? The answer is to experiment with different combinations of components to see how they will run the game. This type of experimentation is also known as 'benchmarking' in PC gaming.

There are four factors to combine when establishing a benchmark with Fortnite. These are the graphics card, processor, selected in-game settings and display resolution. Fortnite is both playable in 1440p and 1080p resolution. The choice of compatible resolution will depend on the type of screen you are going to use with your computer. This game also offers four sets of presets in its settings, namely 'Max', 'High', 'Med' and 'Low'.

For the purposes of this guide, the tests will be carried out using the best CPUs and GPUs in each price range. The ranges concerned are 'Premium', 'Intermediate' and 'Entry level' You will be able to define the PC configuration suitable for 144 fps on Fortnite according to your budget.

Benchmarks on premium processors and GPUs on the market

Fortnite GPU

The best graphics card on the premium market is the RTX 2080 Ti. At least this will be the case until the RTX 30 series graphics cards are officially released on the market. On the Intel side, the most powerful CPU in the premium range to accompany the rtx 2080 ti is the core i9-9900K. Using this combination you can get over 144 fps at 1080p and 1440p on the max setting. Image quality and fluidity are thus enhanced with this configuration.

On AMD's side, the best CPU in the premium range to accompany the rtx 2080 ti is the Ryzen 93 900 X. The results of this combination are therefore approximately the same as for the i9-9900K. You will be able to play Fortnite at maximum setting while getting over 144 frames per second.

Performance on mid-range components

For the mid-price range, the best graphics card in the market is the gtx 1080. If you are going for an Intel CPU, the best choice at a mid-budget is the core i7-8700K. Based on this combination, you can get over 144 fps in High on 1440p and 1080p resolutions.

Frame per second fortnite games

On the Ryzen side, the best choice of CPU at an average budget is the Ryzen 72 700 X. You will not be able to have 144 fps on this configuration at 1440 p. This is true regardless of the setting you choose for the game. However, you can obtain more than 144 fps in High by opting for 1080p resolution.

Number of frames per second on entry-level components

The best graphics card option for the entry-level market is the AMD rx580. If your preferences tend towards an Intel CPU, the most suitable choice would be the core i5-8600K. You won't be able to get 144 fps on this combination using the 1440p resolution. The 1080p resolution, however, will allow you to shoot more than 144 fps on this combination with the maximum setting.

Try different components and settings

It is important to remember that the components used for these reviews are the best for each price range on the market. There are still several middle options for each price range that you can experiment with depending on your budget. You are not obliged to carry out these experiments yourself. Many specialized tools on the Internet can — simulate performance results for different GPU and CPU choices.

Also note that the previous results aim to obtain 144 fps and maximum graphics quality. It is possible to shoot 144 fps or more at 1440 p on mid-range and mid-range components. However, you will have to go down to the minimum setting (Low) to obtain such a result.

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