How to remove reels on Instagram?

Do you like Instagram, but not Reels? Those short, creative videos that pop up all over your profile and feed?

Do you find them too intrusive, too noisy or too distracting? Do you want to remove them, whether to hide them temporarily or to delete them permanently?

In this article, we show you how to remove reels on Instagram!

Good to know : Since August 2023, real Instagram posts have a maximum duration of 10 minutes .

How to hide reels on Instagram?

If you simply want to hide reels on Instagram , that is to say no longer see them on your news feed or on the Explore tab, but without deleting them from your profile, there are two possible methods:

  • The first method is to turn off the sound of reels . To do this, simply click on the speaker icon at the bottom right of the video when you are watching it. So you will no longer be disturbed by the noise of the reels, but you will still be able to see them if you want.
  • The second method is to hide reels from a specific account . To do this, you must go to the profile of the account in question, click on the three dots at the top right, then choose the “ Hide
Instagram Reel 1

You will then have the choice between hiding the stories , the reels or both. If you choose to hide reels, you will no longer see videos from that account in your News Feed or Explore tab, but you will still be able to view them by going directly to their profile.

If you hide reels and still see a few videos appear in your feed, it may be an Instagram bug . Refresh your page, the problem might be resolved!

Another article that might interest you : How to hide your subscriptions on Instagram?

How to delete reels on Instagram?

If you want to delete reels on Instagram, that is to say permanently erase them from your profile and the platform, there is only one possible method:

You have to go to your profile, click on the reels tab (the clap icon ), then select the reel you want to delete. Then, click on the three dots at the bottom right of the video, then choose the “ Delete ” option. You will need to confirm your choice by clicking “ Delete ” a second time.

Please note, this action is irreversible: once you have deleted a reel, you can no longer recover it.

Here is a video that explains in detail how to delete real ones on Instagram:

How to remove reels on Instagram if you don't have the “Hide” option?

If you don't have the “ Hide ” option to hide reels from a specific account, it might be because you don't have the latest version of the Instagram app. To resolve this problem, you must update your application by following these steps:

  • Open the Play Store if you have an Android device or the App Store if you have an iOS device.
  • Find the Instagram app and tap it.
  • If you see the “ Update ” button, tap it to download and install the latest version of the app.
Update Instagram
  • If you don't see the “ Update” , it means you already have the latest version of the app.
  • Open the Instagram app again and check if you have the “ Hide ” option to hide reels from a specific account.

How to disable autoplay of Reels?

When you browse Instagram, you may come across Reels that play automatically as soon as you see them on the screen. This can be annoying, especially if you don't want to watch these videos or want to save your mobile data plan.

To deactivate the automatic playing of Reels , you must:

  • Go to Instagram app settings
disable autoplay of Reels
Photo credit: Fredzone
  • Select “ Account ” then “ Cellular data usage
  • Use less data ” option
disable autoplay of Reels
Photo credit: Techbloat

Doing this will prevent Reels from loading automatically when you are connected to 4G or 5G . You will need to press the “ Play ” button to start the video manually. If you are connected via Wi-Fi , Reels will always load automatically.

Play an Instagram video

How to prevent other users from remixing your Reels? 

Remix is ​​a feature that allows an Instagram user to create a Reel using another Reel as a source. This allows you to make duets, reactions or parodies. The remix is ​​similar to the duet on TikTok.

If you do not want your Reels to be used for remixes by other users, you must:

  • Go to your profile and click on the Reels icon
  • Select the Reel you want to protect
  • Press the three dots at the bottom right of the video
  • Select “ Reel Settings ” from the menu that appears
How to prevent other users from remixing your Reels?
Photo credit: Later
  • Allow remixes ” option

By doing this, you will prevent other users from using your Reel to make remixes. You can always enable or disable this option at any time.

Why remove reels on Instagram?

  1. To better focus on relevant content : Your News Feed or Explore tab will be clearer and less cluttered if you eliminate reels that don't interest you.
  2. To make your profile more coherent and more attractive : your brand image or your style will be more harmonious and more readable if you remove the reels that are not in agreement with them.
  3. To optimize its engagement and visibility : your audience will be more receptive and more loyal if you broadcast content that they like and that meets their expectations.
  4. To preserve privacy and credibility : Your privacy or reputation will be better protected if you remove reels that may be incriminating or embarrassing.

What are the disadvantages of removing reels on Instagram?

  • You may lose opportunities for visibility and engagement with your followers or new users.
  • You may miss interesting, entertaining, or inspiring content from other accounts.
  • You may be depriving yourself of a creative and fun tool to express your personality, your talent or your humor.
  • You can go against the current trend of short , dynamic videos on social media.

What is the difference between Reels and Stories on Instagram?

What is the difference between Reels and Stories on Instagram?

Reels and Stories are two Instagram features that allow you to share videos. However, there are several differences between them:

  • Reels can be up to 10 minutes long, while Stories can be no longer than 60 seconds
  • Reels can be edited with more varied and creative sound and visual effects than Stories
  • Reels can be shared in the News Feed, in the Explore or in the bottom bar of the screen, while Stories are only visible in the top bar of the screen or in the profile of the user
  • Reels remain on the user's profile indefinitely, while Stories disappear after 24 hours (unless added to Highlights)

In conclusion

Removing reels on Instagram is an option that depends on your needs and desires. If you don't like reels or think they don't benefit you, you can hide or delete . In this case, it may happen that you will not be able to react to an Instagram message if you have removed the reels, because they are part of the interactive features of the platform.

If, on the other hand, you like reels or want to take advantage of their advantages, you can keep them or create more. Regardless, it is important to stay tuned to your audience and your strategy on Instagram , and to adapt according to changes in the platform.

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