You have an Android smartphone , but do you know that it contains secret codes that can help you protect, optimize and personalize it? These codes are called Android security codes , and they are accessed by dialing combinations of numbers and symbols on your phone's numeric keypad.
In this article, we will introduce you to the most common and effective Android security codes , along with their advantages and precautions for use.
What are Android security codes and why are they useful?
Android security codes are hidden codes that allow access to special functions on your smartphone. They are generally composed of 4 to 6 digits , preceded and followed by two stars ( ** ) or two hash marks ( ## ).
For example, the code *#06# allows you to know the IMEI number of your phone, which is its unique identifier.

Android security codes are useful for several reasons:
- They allow you to protect your phone in the event of theft, loss or hacking. For example, you can erase all data from your phone remotely, or lock it to prevent its use by an unauthorized person.
- They allow you to optimize your phone by accessing advanced settings. For example, you can improve the quality of sound, image or network, or even manage battery or memory consumption.
- They allow you to personalize your phone by modifying hidden options. For example, you can change the wallpaper, icons, animations or colors of your interface.
The Most Common and Effective Android Security Codes
There are hundreds of Android security codes , but not all of them are compatible with all phone models or operating system versions. Additionally, some codes can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, as they can damage your phone or delete important data .
This is why we advise you to always make a backup of your data before using an Android security code, and not to enter codes randomly without knowing their function.
Here is a selection of the most common and effective Android security codes, sorted by category:
*2767*3855#: Erase all phone data and reinstall firmware
This code is one of the most radical, because it allows you to reset your phone to its original state , as if it left the factory. It erases all personal data, apps, settings, contacts, messages, photos, videos, etc. It also reinstalls the firmware , which is the software that controls how the phone works.
This code can be useful if you want to sell or give away your phone , or if you want to repair it in the event of a major malfunction. But be careful, it is irreversible, and you will lose everything you have stored on your phone. You must therefore be sure of what you are doing before composing this code.

*#*#7780#*#*: Reset phone to factory state without erasing personal data
This code is less radical than the previous one, because it allows you to reset your phone to its factory state without erasing your personal data. It deletes apps, settings, accounts, passwords, etc., but it keeps contacts, messages, photos, videos, etc.
This code can be useful if you want to restore the performance of your phone , or if you want to clean it or malicious applications . But be careful, it can change some important settings, like network, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. You must therefore be careful before entering this code.
*#06#: Check the IMEI of the phone and compare it with that of the manufacturer
This code is one of the simplest, because it allows you to know the IMEI number of your phone, which is its unique identifier . It appears on your phone screen when you dial this code. This code can be useful if you want to verify the authenticity of your phone , or if you want to block it in the event of theft or loss .
IMEI number displayed with the one on the box or invoice for your phone, or with the one listed on the manufacturer's website. If the numbers don't match, your phone is counterfeit, or has been modified.
*#0#*#: Show phone information menu and access hidden settings
This code is one of the most complete, because it allows you to display the phone's information menu , which contains many hidden options . You can access this menu by dialing this code, then pressing the different buttons that appear on the screen.
This code can be useful if you want to test how your phone works , or if you want to change some advanced settings. For example, you can check the status of the screen, sound, vibration, camera, proximity sensor, gyroscope, GPS, etc. You can also change screen color, brightness mode, contrast, saturation, etc.

*#*#4636#*#*: Show information related to the phone's network, Wi-Fi and GPS
This code is one of the most useful, because it allows you to display information related to the network , Wi -Fi and GPS of the phone. You can access this information by dialing this code and then choosing one of the four options that appear on the screen: Phone Information , Battery Information , Usage Information , Wi-Fi Information .
This code can be useful if you want to know:
- Phone Information : Signal Level, Frequency
- Battery information : Charge level, Temperature, Voltage, Capacity
- Usage information : Memory usage, CPU usage, Network usage
- Wi-Fi Information : Wi-Fi Status, Network Name, IP Address, Speed
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Android security codes for privacy and data protection
Android security codes can also help you protect your privacy and personal data .
Here are some code examples that may be useful to you in this area:
*#*#7594#*#*: Turn off the phone to prevent it from being used by anyone else
This code allows you to modify the behavior of the power power supply on your phone. By dialing this code, you can choose between two options: Default mode or Fine mode.
Default Mode power supply button , which allows you to turn your phone on or off, or access the options menu .
End mode power supply button , which allows you to turn off your phone directly without going through the options menu .
This code can be useful if you want to prevent your phone from being used by someone else in the event of theft, loss or loan. By enabling Slim Mode, you can turn off your phone quickly and easily, without giving the unwanted user time to access your data or settings.

*#*#8351#*#*: Enable or disable call logging mode to prevent them from being saved in the phone's cache
This code allows you to enable or disable call logging mode , which saves the phone numbers you call or who call you in the phone's cache . By dialing this code, you can see on the screen whether call logging mode is activated or deactivated.
This code can be useful if you want to protect your privacy and personal data , preventing your calls from being tracked or spied on. By deactivating call logging mode, you can clear your call history and prevent your contacts from being disclosed to third parties.
*#8350## : Enable or disable call logging mode to prevent them from being saved in the phone's cache
This code is the equivalent of the previous one, but it works the other way around. By dialing this code, you can enable or disable call logging mode , which saves the phone numbers you call or who call you in the phone's cache . By dialing this code, you can see on the screen whether call logging mode is activated or deactivated.
This code can be useful if you want to protect your privacy and personal data , preventing your calls from being tracked or spied on. By deactivating call logging mode, you can clear your call history and prevent your contacts from being disclosed to third parties.
Android security codes for phone management and optimization
Android security codes can also help you manage and optimize your phone , accessing hidden information and settings .
Here are some code examples that may be useful to you in this area:
*3001#: Show information about battery status, power consumption, temperature and phone capacity
This code allows you to view information about the battery status of your phone, which is one of the most important elements for its proper functioning. By dialing this code, you can see the charge level , power consumption temperature and battery capacity
This code can be useful if you want to optimize the battery life of your phone , avoiding overcharging or completely discharging it, or reducing the screen brightness, sound volume, or the number of open applications. You can also check if your battery is in good condition, or if it needs to be replaced.

*3002#: Show information about internal storage, external storage, SD and phone cache status
This code allows you to view information about the storage status of your phone, which is one of the most important elements for its performance. By dialing this code, you can see on the screen the occupancy level, capacity, speed and type of internal, external, SD and cache storage of your phone.
This code can be useful if you want to optimize the speed of your phone , avoiding saturating or fragmenting it, or deleting unnecessary files, unwanted applications, or temporary data. You can also check if your storage is in good condition, or if you need to increase its capacity.
*3003#: Show information about the status of applications installed on the phone, their version, their size and their memory or battery usage
This code allows you to view information about the status of applications installed on your phone, which are the most important elements for its functionality. By dialing this code, you can see on the screen the name, version, size and memory or battery usage of the applications installed on your phone.
This code can be useful if you want to manage the applications on your phone , avoiding multiplying or duplicating them, or updating them, uninstalling them, or forcing them to stop. You can also check if your apps are compatible with your phone, or if they have bugs or security vulnerabilities.
What is the difference between Android security codes and USSD codes?
Android security codes hidden codes that allow access to special functions on your smartphone. ( Unstructured Supplementary Service Data codes are standard codes that provide access to additional services from your operator .
For example, the code *#123# allows you to consult your credit or your plan.

How do I know if an Android security code is compatible with my phone?
There is no comprehensive list of Android security codes that are compatible with all phone models or operating system versions. The best way to know if an Android security code is compatible with your phone is to test it .
- If the code works, you will see the expected result appear on the screen.
- If the code does not work, you will see an error message or nothing at all.
What are the risks of using Android security codes?
Android security codes can be useful , but they can also be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. Some codes can erase or modify important data , damage or lock your phone , or affect its normal operation.
This is why you should always make a backup of your data before using an Android security code, and do not enter codes randomly without knowing their function.
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How to cancel the effect of an Android security code?
Some codes are reversible , meaning they can be canceled by dialing the same code or a reverse code. For example, the code *#*#7594#*#* allows you to change the behavior of your phone's power supply
Other codes are irreversible , meaning they cannot be canceled once they have been dialed. For example, the code *2767*3855# allows you to erase all data on your phone and reinstall the firmware, and you cannot restore it.

How do I create my own Android security codes?
It is not possible to create your own Android security codes, as they are operating system manufacturers or . You cannot change or add Android security codes without having access to your phone's firmware source code, which requires advanced technical knowledge and may void your phone's warranty.