About configuration is a hidden feature of certain web browsers , such as Firefox or Chrome, which allows you to access advanced settings and personalize your browsing experience. By typing about:config in the address bar, you can modify hundreds of options, such as page loading speed , security, appearance or extensions.
But be careful, the configuration issue is not to be taken lightly. This is a powerful tool that can have significant consequences on the operation of the browser and even the system. So you have to be careful and know what you're doing before changing the default values. In this article, we will explain how to use about configuration and what are the most interesting parameters to modify.
How to access the about configuration?
To access about configuration, simply type about:config in the address bar of your browser and validate. You will then see a warning that informs you of the risks incurred if you change the advanced settings. If you agree to continue, you will be taken to the about configuration .

On this page, you will see a list of preferences with their name, their type ( string, boolean or integer ) and their value. You can search for a specific preference using the search bar at the top of the page. You can also sort preferences by name , by status (modified or not) or by type by clicking on the column headers.
To modify a preference, simply double-click on it. Depending on the type of preference, you can either change its value directly, toggle between true and false , or choose a value from a drop-down list. Once the change is made, it will be applied immediately without the need to restart the browser.
If you want to return a preference you've changed to the default, simply right-click it and choose Reset . You can also reset any changed preferences by clicking the Reset All button at the bottom of the page.
What are the most interesting parameters to modify?

There are hundreds of settings you can change with about configuration, but not all of them are useful or relevant for your usage. Here is a selection of some settings that can improve your browsing experience :
This Boolean parameter determines whether or not the browser closes when you close the last tab. By default, it is true, which means that the browser closes. If you want to keep the browser open with a blank page , set it to false.
This Boolean parameter determines whether or not the browser displays the protocol ( http:// or https:// ) in the address bar. By default, it is true, which means that the protocol is hidden. If you want to see the full protocol, set it to false.
This Boolean parameter determines whether or not the browser allows websites to access the clipboard (copy and paste). By default, it is true, which means websites can access the clipboard. If you want to protect your privacy and prevent websites from reading or modifying the contents of the clipboard, set it to false.

This Boolean parameter determines whether or not the browser uses pipelining to speed up page loading. Pipelining involves sending multiple HTTP requests in a single connection instead of waiting for each request to respond. By default, it is false, which means that pipelining is not used. If you want to speed up page loading, set it to true.
This Boolean parameter determines whether or not the browser enables tracking protection. Tracking Protection blocks content that can track you across websites, such as ads, social media buttons, or analytics scripts. By default, it is false, which means that tracking protection is not enabled. If you want to protect your privacy and reduce unwanted ads , set it to true.
How do I repair a setting that I broke with about configuration?
If you changed a setting that caused a problem with your browser, you can try resetting it by right-clicking it and choosing Reset . If that's not enough, you can also reset all changed settings by clicking the Reset All button at the bottom of the About Configuration page.
How to add or delete a preference with about configuration?
If you want to add a new preference that does not exist in the list, you can right-click on the About Configuration page and choose New . You can then choose the type of preference ( character string, boolean or integer ) and give it a name and a value. If you want to remove a preference that you added or edited, you can right-click it and choose Delete .
How do I save my changes with about configuration?

Changes you make with about configuration are automatically saved in a file named prefs.js which is located in your browser's profile folder. You can copy this file to another computer or browser to transfer your changes. You can also use extensions like FEBE or MozBackup to backup and restore your settings .
How do I enable or disable the about configuration warning?
The warning that appears when you access About Configuration is intended to remind you of the risks you are taking by changing advanced settings . If you want to disable it, you can change the browser.aboutConfig.showWarning and set it to false . If you want to re-enable it, set it back to true .
About configuration is a powerful tool that allows you to customize your web browser according to your needs and preferences . But it must be used with caution, as it can also cause malfunctions or security breaches. Before changing a setting, make sure you understand its role and impact. And don't forget to save your changes in case something goes wrong.