Have you built your computer yourself , or do you want to change the case , but you don't know how to connect the power sw to your motherboard? Don't panic, we will explain to you step by step how to do it. The power sw is the button that turns your computer on or off. It is connected to the motherboard by a small two-pin connector. But what is the right orientation? What are the risks in the event of an error? Follow the leader !
What is power sw?

The power sw is the abbreviation of power switch , which means power supply switch in French. This is the button that is usually located on the front or top of the computer case . Pressing it sends an electrical signal to the motherboard, which triggers the computer to turn on or off.
The power sw is connected to the motherboard by a small cable that ends in a two pin s connector. This connector must be plugged into a specific location on the motherboard, called the header or front panel. There are usually several headers on a motherboard , which are used to connect other buttons or lights, such as the reset sw (reset button) , the hdd led (hard drive activity light), the pwr led (light power power supply ) , etc.
How to connect the power sw to its motherboard?

To connect the power sw to its motherboard , you must first locate the corresponding header . It is usually located at the bottom right of the motherboard, and is indicated by a label or diagram. For example, we can read “ PWR SW ”, “ PW SW ”, “ POWER SW ”, “ PWR BTN ”, “ PW BTN ”, “ POWER BTN ”, etc.
Next, you must identify the two pins of the header which correspond to the power sw . They are generally marked by a “ + ” and a “ – ”, or by different colors ( red and black ). Be careful not to confuse it with the reset sw, hdd led or pwr led pins, which may be located next to it.
Finally, you must connect the power sw connector to the two pins of the header, respecting the orientation. “+” wire should be plugged into the positive (+) pin , and the black or “-” should be plugged into the negative (-) pin . If the connector is not marked or the wires are the same color, it does not matter the orientation.
What are the risks in the event of an error?
If you use the wrong header or pins to connect the power sw , there is no major risk for the computer. The button simply won't work, or it will have a different function ( for example, it will turn on the hard drive light instead of turning on the computer ). All you have to do is unplug the connector and plug it back in the right place.

On the other hand, you should avoid connecting the power sw to headers that are not intended for it , such as those used to power fans or USB ports. This could damage the motherboard or case. So always check the motherboard documentation before connecting anything.
Summary table of power sw connection
Header | Positive pin (+) | Negative pin (-) |
PWR SW | Red or marked “+” | Black or marked “-” |
PW SW | Red or marked “+” | Black or marked “-” |
POWER SW | Red or marked “+” | Black or marked “-” |
PWR BTN | Red or marked “+” | Black or marked “-” |
PW BTN | Red or marked “+” | Black or marked “-” |
POWER BTN | Red or marked “+” | Black or marked “-” |
Power SW Connection FAQ
How do I know if the power sw is properly connected?
To find out if the power sw is properly connected, simply test the button. If the computer turns on or off normally, the connection is correct. Otherwise, you must check the header and the orientation of the connector.
Can we reverse the power sw and reset sw?
Yes, you can invert the power sw and the reset sw, provided you connect them to the correct headers. The power sw will then become a reset button, and the reset sw will become a power supply . power supply button more accessible than the reset button, or vice versa.
Can we connect the power sw to a header other than the one indicated?

No, you cannot connect the power sw to another header than the one indicated . Each header has a specific function, and if you connect the power sw to a header that is not intended for it, this may cause malfunctions or damage.
Can we do without power sw?
No, we can't do without the power sw . This is the only way to turn your computer . If you don't have a power sw, or if you have lost or broken it, you will have to buy a new one or make one yourself.
How to make a power sw yourself?
To make a power sw yourself , you need to obtain a push button, an electrical cable and a two-pin connector. You must then solder the cable wires to the button terminals, and plug the connector into the header of the motherboard. The button can be attached to the housing with glue or screws.
Connecting the power sw to its motherboard is a simple but important operation. You must respect the header, the pins and the orientation of the connector . In the event of an error, there is no major risk, but the connection must be corrected for the button to work correctly. The power sw is essential for turning your computer on or off . You can also reverse it with the SW reset, or make it yourself if necessary.
The reset button on a desktop computer is another button that allows you to restart your computer without going through the start menu. It is often located next to the power sw , and it must also be correctly plugged into the motherboard . The sw reset is useful in the event of a system crash or bug. However, it should be used with caution as it may cause loss of unsaved data.