Gmail: How to schedule emails to be sent at specific times?

    How many times have you wanted to send an email at a specific time, but you weren't available? No more stress about missing the time! With Gmail's native Schedule Send , you can now schedule your messages to arrive in your recipients' inboxes on the date and time of your choosing.

    Step 1: Access the programming function

    Scheduling emails in Gmail is a simple and intuitive process:

    On computer :

    • Write your email as usual.
    • Click the down arrow next to the “ Send ” button.
    • Select “ Schedule sending ”.
    picture 13

    On mobile (Android and iOS):

    • Tap the three vertical dots at the top right of the screen.
    • Select “ Schedule sending ”.

    Step 2: Choose the sending date and time

    Predefined options:

    picture 14
    • Later today
    • Tomorrow morning
    • This week-end
    • Next week
    • Next month

    Personalized choice:

    • Click on “ Choose a date and time” .
    • Choose the date and time from the calendar for sending your message.
    picture 15
    • Click Schedule Send

    Advanced features for even finer management

    In addition to simple scheduling, Gmail offers advanced options for even finer management of your sendings:

    • Send a follow-up message: Schedule a follow-up email to be sent if your recipient has not responded to your initial message after a certain amount of time.
    • Choose notification type: Determine whether you want your recipient to receive an email or SMS notification.
    • Set an expiration date: Schedule your message to automatically delete after a certain amount of time.

    Tips for optimal use

    Precision and finality

    When writing your message, be specific and clear, as you will not be able to edit it once it is scheduled. Make sure you convey all the necessary information and clarify your goal.

    Tracking and confirmation:

    Use the email tracking feature to find out if your message was received and opened by your recipient. This allows you to measure the impact of your communication and adapt your strategy if necessary.

    Respect of time zones:

    Schedule your shipments based on your recipient's time zone. Avoid untimely sending at odd times which could disrupt your business.

    Advanced options:

    Take advantage of the email sending platform's advanced options to schedule recurring emails, automate your communications and save time. You can also cancel scheduled sends if necessary.

    By following these tips, you will optimize the effectiveness of your scheduled emails and strengthen the impact of your communications.

    A valuable tool for optimal management of your communications

    gmail box

    Whether you're a professional, a student, or just a regular Gmail user, scheduling emails offers many benefits:

    1. Save time: Schedule your emails in advance and free up time for more important tasks.
    2. Improve your productivity: Organize your communications and be sure to never miss an important opportunity.
    3. Manage time zones: Send emails to your contacts at a time that suits them, even if you're in a different time zone.
    4. Personalize your communication: Schedule welcome emails, reminders or birthday messages for a more personalized customer experience.


    Email scheduling in Gmail is a valuable tool for anyone looking to optimize their communication. Whether you want to schedule a follow-up for a potential client, send a thank you message following an interview, or simply organize your mailings based on your time zones, Gmail makes it easy to do so.

    Additionally, if you want to compartmentalize your communications, you can easily create a secondary email address on Gmail . This will allow you to separate your personal and professional lives, or to create specific addresses for different types of communications , such as newsletters or social media notifications.

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