The graphics card on your PC is an essential element, it often happens that it heats up, that it overheats, and much too much... Above 85 degrees, the elements of your configuration will start to wear out more and more and being pushed to the limits of their abilities. It can even literally “boil” and rise above 100 degrees !
Overheating can clearly reduce the capabilities of your setup and prevent you from playing properly.
So if this problem happens to you, you are in the right place. Here is the solution when a graphics card heats up —>
Airflow is essential !

Your PC and its configuration, including the graphics card, need to breathe.
For that, you have to give them space. The insides of your tower should not be completely cluttered with cables that could hinder air circulation. Succeeding in your cable management is important, remember to put things in order! It shouldn't take you much time and won't require you to watch hours and hours of tutorials on YouTube. Here is one!
You just need to find something to tie the wires together. It would be best to use hose clamps. Then position them to create a vacuum in the center of the space for air to circulate. And voila.
Good to know: choose an ATX case large enough to accommodate all your components!
The interview
I personally have never had any problems with my gaming PC. And for good reason. Every 3 months, I dismantle my tower and dust off all the elements.
You should think about it. If you were not provided with a fine nozzle with your vacuum cleaner, you will find one in supermarkets and you can use that. The best is still to use a can of compressed air like you can find cheaply on Amazon.
This is mainly about prevention, which is still very important. But even if your CG is currently overheating, it would be useful to think about cleaning it up a bit. The accumulated dust will once again prevent the air from circulating properly, and therefore cooling your elements.

First of all, and I tell you this because I have seen it done several times, there is NO point in ventilating from the outside , by placing a fan like those we use in summer near your setup...
You will need to review the arrangement of your fans in the tower , as there is a good chance that your overheating is coming from there. You need fans at the front at the bottom of the tower, for the suction of fresh air which will cool your elements, and at the rear at the top, for the extraction of the air which is now warmer, heated by your elements.
You won't be able to keep your hardware long term if your case only has one fan. You will need at least 2 (one for suction and another for extraction). Without it, after just a few hours of play your PC will heat up enormously, and it is possible that the graphics card will overheat from there. The best would be to have more than 2 fans, 3 or 4.
Here is our recommendation for PC cases with multiple fans !
The drivers
As you may know, drivers are what controls your graphics card. They are the ones who guarantee its performance.
So, you should ensure that they are always up to date .
In the same way as dusting and maintenance, this is about prevention.
If you have never done it, the overheating problem may be coming from there. So quickly update your drivers, and see if the problem is resolved or not.
Here's what it is: you will voluntarily reduce the capacities of your CGU so that it fatigues less and avoids overheating.
You will understand, you will lose performance, but you will at least be able to play better than with a graphics card that heats up too much.

The advantage too, minimal but still good to know, will be that your machine will be much quieter.
You can very easily do your underlocking with several software programs, the best being MSI AfterBurner.
The last resort: watercooling
Normally you should not get to this point because the previous steps should have resolved your problem.
This is truly the ultimate solution, and by putting it into practice you will never have any overheating problems in your life.
Watercooling is only for you if you are really passionate about it. It will allow you to maximize the capacities and performances of each of your components without there being any problem.
We are no longer talking about cooling by air but by water, which transports heat much better and which therefore allows it to be evacuated and cooled much more efficiently and much more quickly.
So ! With all of this, rest assured that you can resolve your overheating problem and return to playing quickly!