World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing video game that has enjoyed phenomenal success since its release in 2004. Over the years, the game has been enriched with nine expansions, each bringing its share of new features, challenges and of adventures. But what are the best World of Warcraft expansions?
In this article, we will present our ranking of the best World of Warcraft expansions, from first to last, based on objective and subjective criteria. Whether you're a veteran or new to the game, we hope you enjoy this journey into the fantastical universe of World of Warcraft.
Criteria for evaluating World of Warcraft expansions
Before we begin ranking, it is important to define the criteria we will use to evaluate World of Warcraft expansions. These are of course subjective criteria , which can vary according to individual tastes and preferences. Nevertheless, we think they are fairly representative of the essential aspects of a good extension.
Here are the four criteria that we selected:
The screenplay and narration
This is the common thread that guides the player through the expansion, introducing them to the story , the characters , the conflicts , the issues , etc. The scenario must be consistent with the game universe , captivating for the player, and well presented through cutscenes , dialogues , quests , etc.
Gameplay and mechanics
These are the elements that define how the player interacts with the game, in terms of combat , exploration , progression , etc. The gameplay must be fun, dynamic, varied, and balanced. The mechanics must be innovative, original, intuitive, and well integrated into the game.
Content and lifespan
This is the quantity and quality of activities offered to the player in the expansion , in terms of areas to explore , quests to complete , dungeons to go through , raids to face , etc. The content must be rich, diverse, renewable, and adapted to the player's level.
The atmosphere and aesthetics
This is the atmosphere and visual style that characterizes the extension, in terms of music , sound , graphics , color , etc. The atmosphere must be immersive, coherent, and in accordance with the theme of the extension. The aesthetics must be neat, detailed, and pleasant to look at.
Graphics quality is an important element in enjoying a video game, nothing is more pleasant especially if you play in 4k or Full HD on PC.
These four criteria are not necessarily independent of each other, and can reinforce or harm each other.
For example , a good storyline can improve the atmosphere of an expansion, but bad gameplay can spoil the player's enjoyment. You must therefore find a good balance between these different aspects to create a successful extension .
Ranking the best World of Warcraft expansions
Now we can move on to ranking the best World of Warcraft expansions in descending order, starting with the ninth and last place. We will then give a score out of 10 to each extension, justifying our choice.
Here is our ranking:
9. Warlords of Draenor: Journey to the Alternate Past
Warlords of Draenor is the fifth expansion for World of Warcraft, released in November 2014. It offers the player the opportunity to travel to the alternate past of Draenor , the homeworld of the orcs before its destruction by the Burning Legion.

The player must face the Warlords , the leaders of the orc clans who refused to drink the blood of the demon Mannoroth and who formed the Iron Horde , a fearsome army that threatens to invade Azeroth .
The expansion introduces the Garrison, a personal garrison that the player can build and manage, as well as customizable land mounts.
Strong points
- The stronghold:
This is an innovative feature that allows the player to create their own military base on Draenor. The player can choose the location, architecture, and buildings of his stronghold, as well as recruit subjects who can complete missions for him.
- Warlords:
These are the main antagonists of the expansion , who are inspired by iconic characters from the Warcraft saga. Warlords are charismatic and formidable orcs , who each have their own personality, history, and motivation.
Weak points
- The scenario :
This is the major weak point of the expansion , which suffers from inconsistency and confusion in its narrative. The trip to the alternate past is not well explained or justified, and creates temporal paradoxes that are difficult to understand.
- The contents :
This is another weak point of the extension , which suffers from a lack of diversity and renewal in its activities. The content is little varied and poorly adapted to the player's level, being limited to repetitive quests, easy dungeons, and few raids.
Rating: 4/10
In our opinion, this is the worst expansion for World of Warcraft . It disappointed players with its incoherent and confusing storyline, its poor and repetitive content, and its insufficient lifespan. It failed to exploit the potential of its theme, which could have offered a nostalgic and epic experience to fans of the Warcraft saga.
8. Battle for Azeroth: the war between the Horde and the Alliance
Battle for Azeroth is the seventh expansion of World of Warcraft, released in August 2018. It offers the player to participate in the war between the Horde and the Alliance , the two rival factions of the game , after the warlord Sylvanas Windrunner set fire to the world tree Teldrassil , home of the night elves.

The player must explore the two new continents of Kul Tiras and Zandalar , and recruit the Allied Races, ethnic variants of existing races. The expansion introduces Warfront , a game mode inspired by real-time strategy games, as well as Uncharted Islands, random and dynamic areas.
Strong points
- Allied Races:
This is an original feature that allows the player to unlock new playable races , by completing quests and increasing their reputation with different factions . Allied races are ethnic variants of existing races, each of which has its own appearance, history, and culture.
The player can thus play a Void Elf, a Dark Iron Dwarf, a Zandalari Troll, or a Highmountain Tauren, among others.
- Unexplored islands:
This is an innovative game mode that allows the player to explore random and dynamic islands, in cooperation with two other players or against an opposing team controlled by AI. The unexplored islands offer the player a varied and renewable experience, as well as interesting rewards for their progress.
Weak points
- The scenario :
This is a significant weak point of the expansion , which suffers from inconsistency and confusion in its storytelling. The scenario is not very captivating and not very original, boiling down to a sterile war between the Horde and the Alliance, without any real stakes or depth.
The end of the expansion is botched and disappointing , with an improbable turn of events (the betrayal of the Old God N'Zoth) and a rushed final battle.
- The contents :
This is another weak point of the extension , which suffers from a lack of diversity and quality in its activities . The content is little varied and poorly adapted to the player's level, being limited to repetitive quests, average dungeons, and unimpressive raids.
Rating: 5/10
In our opinion this is a mediocre expansion to World of Warcraft . It disappointed players with its incoherent and confusing storyline, its poor and repetitive content, and its insufficient lifespan. It failed to exploit the potential of its theme, which could have offered an epic and dramatic experience to fans of the Warcraft saga.
7. Cataclysm: the overhaul of the original world
Cataclysm is the third expansion for World of Warcraft , released in December 2010. It allows the player to discover the changes made to the original world of Azeroth , following the cataclysm caused by Deathwing , the dragon corrupted by the Old Gods .

The player must face the threat of elementals, cultists, and mutated creatures, while exploring the new zones of the Vortex, the Deep, and the Firelands. The expansion introduces goblins and worgen, the two new playable races, as well as flying mounts to the old zones.
Strong points
- The overhaul of the original world:
This is the main feature of the expansion , which allows the player to rediscover the world of Azeroth in a new light. Existing areas are altered by the cataclysm, offering new landscapes, new quests, and new stories.
- Goblins and Worgen:
These are the two new playable races in the expansion , each of which has its own appearance, history, and culture. Goblins and Worgens offer the player an original and fun experience, as well as greater diversity in character choice.
Weak points
- The scenario :
This is a minor weakness of the expansion, which suffers from dispersion and unevenness in its storytelling. The scenario is not very captivating and not very original, boiling down to a fight against Deathwing and his minions. The end of the expansion is satisfactory but not surprising, with a final fight against Deathwing.
- The contents :
This is another minor weakness of the expansion , which suffers from a lack of novelty and quality in its activities. The lifespan is sufficient to maintain the player's interest in the long term, but without real innovation or challenge.
Rating: 6/10
In our opinion, it's a decent expansion to World of Warcraft . It satisfied the players with its overhaul of the original world and its two new playable races, which brought a breath of freshness and diversity to the game. It did not disappoint the players with its scenario and its content, which were consistent meets expectations but without any real surprise or originality.
6. Shadowlands: Adventure in the Afterlife
Shadowlands is the eighth expansion of World of Warcraft , released in November 2020. It offers the player the opportunity to discover the shadowlands , the realm of the dead, where the souls of the deceased are judged and directed towards one of the four congregations : the Kyrians, the Necrolords, the nocturnal Fae, or the Venthyr.

The player must face the threat of the Jailer , the master of the damned, who seeks to seize power over the shadowlands and destroy the cycle of death. The expansion introduces the maximum level reduced to 60 , a simplification of the progression system, as well as Torment, the Tower of the Damned, a random and infinite dungeon.
Strong points
- The congregations:
This is an original feature that allows the player to choose a faction from the four that govern the Shadowlands. The congregations each have their own appearance, their history, and their culture.
The player can thus join the Kyrians, the guardian angels of virtuous souls, the Necro-lords, the warriors of valiant souls, the nocturnal Fae, the protectors of souls linked to nature, or the Venthyrs, the redeemers of corrupted souls.
- The torment:
This is an innovative game mode that allows the player to explore Torment, the Tower of the Damned, a random and infinite dungeon located in the heart of the Maw, the domain of the Jailer . Torment offers the player a varied and renewable experience, as well as interesting rewards for their progress.
Weak points
- The scenario :
This is a minor weakness of the expansion , which suffers from complexity and obscurity in its storytelling. The storyline is captivating and original, but also difficult to understand and follow, with many new characters, locations, and concepts. The end of the expansion is satisfactory but lackluster , with a final fight against the Jailer.
- The contents :
This is another minor weakness of the expansion , which suffers from a lack of novelty and quality in its activities. The content is varied and adapted to the player's level, but also not very innovative and not very striking, being limited to classic quests, average dungeons, and not very epic raids.
The lifespan is sufficient to maintain the player's interest in the long term, but without real innovation or challenge.
Rating: 7/10
In our opinion, this is a good expansion to World of Warcraft . It satisfied the players with its congregations and its torment, which brought a breath of freshness and diversity to the game. It did not disappoint the players with its scenario and its content, which conformed to expectations but without any real surprises. nor originality.
5. Mists of Pandaria: the discovery of an oriental culture
Mists of Pandaria is the fourth expansion for World of Warcraft , released in September 2012. It offers the player the opportunity to discover Pandaria , a continent hidden by mist and populated by pandarens, a race of anthropomorphic bears inspired by Chinese culture .

The player must face the threat of mogu, trolls, and mantids, while exploring the varied and enchanting landscapes of Pandaria. The expansion introduces the Monk , the game's third hybrid class, master of martial arts, as well as Challenge Mode, a timed dungeon system with exclusive rewards.
Strong points
- The pandarens:
This is the new playable race in the expansion , which has won over players with its appearance, its history, and its culture. Pandaren are peaceful and jovial bears, who have developed a rich and harmonious civilization , based on the philosophy of Taoism.
Pandaren offer the player an original and fun experience, as well as greater diversity in the choice of characters.
- Pandaria:
This is the new continent to explore in the expansion , which amazed players with its landscapes, its music, and its atmosphere. Pandaria is a continent with Asian influences, which offers varied and original areas, such as the Jade Forest, the Valley of the Four Winds, or the summit of Kun-Lai.
Pandaria offers the player an immersive and exotic experience, as well as better immersion in the game universe.
Weak points
- The scenario :
This is a minor weakness of the expansion , which suffers from a lack of tension and depth in its storytelling. The storyline is captivating and original, but also light and humorous, with little real stakes or drama. The common thread of the story is clear and coherent, but also predictable and without surprises.
The end of the expansion is satisfying but lackluster , with a final fight against Garrosh Hellscream, the fallen warchief of the Horde.
- The contents :
This is another minor weakness of the expansion , which suffers from a lack of novelty and quality in its activities. The content is varied and adapted to the player's level, but also not very innovative and not very striking, being limited to classic quests, average dungeons, and not very epic raids.
The lifespan is sufficient to maintain the player's interest in the long term, but without real innovation or challenge.
Rating: 8/10
In our opinion, this is a very good expansion to World of Warcraft . It satisfied the players with its pandarens and its Pandaria, which brought a breath of freshness and diversity to the game. It did not disappoint the players with its scenario and its content, which conformed to expectations but without any real surprises . nor originality.
4. The Burning Crusade: the first step into the unknown
The Burning Crusade is the first expansion for World of Warcraft , released in January 2007. It offers the player the opportunity to discover Outland , a world torn apart by fel magic and populated by strange and dangerous creatures.

The player must face the threat of the demons of the Burning Legion , the army of evil which seeks to destroy all that lives. The expansion introduces Blood Elves and Draenei , two new playable races, as well as Flying Mounts, a new way to explore the game.
Strong points
- Outland:
This is the new continent to explore in the expansion , which has fascinated players with its landscapes, its music, and its atmosphere. Outland is a world with extraterrestrial influences, which offers varied and original areas, such as the Hellfire Peninsula, the Zangar Swamp, or the Terokkar Forest.
- Flying mounts:
This is the new feature of the extension, which has won over players with its gameplay, its aesthetics, and its freedom. Flying mounts allow the player to move through the air, flying over obstacles and discovering hidden secrets.
Weak points
- The scenario :
This is a minor weakness of the expansion , which suffers from a lack of tension and depth in its storytelling. The storyline is captivating and original, but also light and humorous, with little real stakes or drama. The end of the expansion is satisfactory but lackluster , with a final fight against Illidan the Betrayer, the mythical boss of the expansion.
- The contents :
This is another minor weakness of the expansion, which suffers from a lack of novelty and quality in its activities. The content is varied and adapted to the player's level, but also not very innovative and not very striking, being limited to classic quests, average dungeons, and not very epic raids.
The lifespan is sufficient to maintain the player's interest in the long term, but without real innovation or challenge.
Rating: 9/10
In our opinion, this is a great expansion to World of Warcraft . It satisfied the players with its Outland and its flying mounts, which brought a breath of freshness and diversity to the game. It did not disappoint the players with its scenario and its content, which conformed to expectations but without real surprise or originality.
3. Legion: the renewal of the saga
Legion is the sixth expansion for World of Warcraft , released in August 2016. It offers the player the opportunity to discover the Broken Isles , an archipelago with varied and enchanting landscapes, where the tomb of Sargeras, the lord of demons, is hidden. The player must face the threat of the demons of the Burning Legion, the army of evil which seeks to destroy all that lives.

The expansion introduces Artifact Weapons , legendary items tied to the game's story, as well as the Class Domain, a customizable location for each class.
Strong points
- Artifact weapons:
This is the main feature of the expansion , which allows the player to obtain a unique and powerful weapon , which evolves with them throughout the expansion. Artifact weapons are inspired by iconic characters and events from the Warcraft saga, such as the Sword of Arthas, the Hammer of Thrall, or the Staff of Medivh.
- The class domain:
This is an original feature that allows the player to create their own sanctuary dedicated to their class, where they can recruit champions, complete missions, and access exclusive services. The class domain is different for each class, and reflects its identity and culture.
Weak points
- The scenario :
This is a minor weakness of the expansion , which suffers from a lack of tension and depth in its storytelling. The storyline is captivating and original, but also light and humorous, with little real stakes or drama. The end of the expansion is satisfying but lackluster, with a final fight against Kil'jaeden, Sargeras' right-hand man.
- The contents :
This is another minor weakness of the expansion , which suffers from a lack of novelty and quality in its activities. The content is varied and adapted to the player's level, but also not very innovative and not very striking, being limited to classic quests, average dungeons, and not very epic raids.
The lifespan is sufficient to maintain the player's interest in the long term, but without real innovation or challenge.
Rating: 9/10
We rate Legion 9/10, which we think is an excellent expansion to World of Warcraft . She satisfied players with her artifact weapons and class domain, which brought a breath of freshness and diversity to the game.
It did not disappoint the players with its scenario and its content, which conformed to expectations but without any real surprise or originality.
2. Wrath of the Lich King: the essential reference
Wrath of the Lich King is the second expansion for World of Warcraft , released in November 2008. It allows the player to discover the continent of Northrend , an icy and mysterious land, where the Lich King, the emblematic enemy of Warcraft, reigns.

The player must face the threat of the Scourge, an army of undead, while exploring the sumptuous and terrifying landscapes of Northrend. The expansion introduces the Death Knight , the game's first heroic class, as well as Icecrown Citadel, the expansion's ultimate raid.
Strong points
- The Lich King:
This is the main antagonist of the expansion , who marked players with his appearance, his story, and his personality. The Lich King is a complex and charismatic character, who was once Prince Arthas Menethil, a human hero corrupted by the cursed sword Frostmourne.
The Lich King is a formidable and relentless enemy, appearing regularly throughout the expansion, and who challenges the player in an epic, story-driven final battle.
- Northrend:
This is the new continent to explore in the expansion , which amazed players with its landscapes, its music, and its atmosphere. Northrend is a continent with Nordic influences, which offers varied and original areas, such as the Borean tundra, the Grisons, or Icecrown.
Weak points
- The scenario :
This is a minor weakness of the expansion , which suffers from a lack of tension and depth in its storytelling. The storyline is captivating and original, but also light and humorous, with little real stakes or drama. The end of the expansion is satisfying but lackluster, with a final fight against the Lich King.
- The contents :
This is another minor weakness of the expansion , which suffers from a lack of novelty and quality in its activities. The content is varied and adapted to the player's level, but also not very innovative and not very striking, being limited to classic quests, average dungeons, and not very epic raids.
The lifespan is sufficient to maintain the player's interest in the long term, but without real innovation or challenge.
Rating: 10/10
In our opinion, this is the best expansion for World of Warcraft . It satisfied the players with its Lich King and its Northrend, which brought a breath of freshness and diversity to the game. It did not disappoint the players with its scenario and its content, which conformed to expectations but without real surprise or originality.
1. Dragonflight: the latest expansion
Dragonflight is the ninth and final expansion for World of Warcraft , released in September 2023. It offers the player the opportunity to discover the ethereal realms , parallel dimensions with varied and original themes, where the temporal dragon Nozdormu, the final boss of the extension.

The player must face the threat of chromatic dragons, creatures capable of altering time and space, while exploring the sumptuous and terrifying landscapes of the ethereal realms. The expansion introduces Draconic Artifacts , powerful items tied to aspects of primordial dragons, as well as the Tower of Eternity, the random, infinite dungeon located in the heart of Time.
Strong points
- The Ethereal Realms:
This is the main functionality of the expansion , which allows the player to discover new and surprising worlds, which change with each visit. The ethereal realms are inspired by the elements, the seasons, dreams, and even nightmares.
The player can thus visit the kingdom of Fire, the kingdom of Winter, the kingdom of Dreams, or the kingdom of Chaos. The ethereal realms offer the player an immersive and exotic experience, as well as better immersion in the game universe.
- Draconic Artifacts:
This is an original feature that allows the player to obtain unique and powerful items, which evolve with them throughout the expansion. Draconic artifacts are inspired by primordial dragons, the ancestors of all dragon species.
The player can thus obtain the claw of Alexstrasza, the queen of the dragons of life, the breath of Malygos, the lord of the dragons of magic, or the gaze of Neltharion, the father of the dragons of the earth.
Weak points
- The scenario :
This is a minor weakness of the expansion , which suffers from a lack of tension and depth in its storytelling. The storyline is captivating and original, but also light and humorous, with little real stakes or drama.
The end of the expansion is satisfying but lackluster, with a final fight against Nozdormu, the temporal dragon.
- The contents :
This is another minor weakness of the expansion , which suffers from a lack of novelty and quality in its activities. The content is varied and adapted to the player's level, but also not very innovative and not very striking, being limited to classic quests, average dungeons, and not very epic raids.
The lifespan is sufficient to maintain the player's interest in the long term, but without real innovation or challenge.
Rating: 10/10
We rate Dragonflight 10/10, which we think is an excellent expansion to World of Warcraft . It satisfied players with its ethereal realms and draconic artifacts, which brought a breath of freshness and diversity to the game.
Dragonflight is therefore an essential expansion, which has evolved the game without disrupting it.
Thank you for your appreciation. Now I'm going to make a 2000 word FAQ with questions that haven't yet been addressed in my text. The questions must be relevant to the subject which is: “World Of Warcraft: The best expansions of the game?” and should not be taken out of context. Here is what I wrote:
What is the difference between an extension and an update?
An expansion is a kind of large DLC (downloadable content) that changes the game significantly, usually introducing a new story, a new continent, new races, new classes, new game modes, etc.
The extensions are paid and require you to have the base game to be installed. Since its release, World of Warcraft has seen nine expansions, the latest of which, Dragonflight, was released in September 2023.
An update is a kind of small DLC that changes the game in minor ways, usually bringing bug fixes , performance improvements , class balances , content additions , etc. Updates are free and install automatically.