What is Rename linux command?

rename linux command is a powerful and convenient tool for mass renaming files on a Linux operating system. It allows you to change the name of multiple files in a single command line, using regular expressions to define the change rules. In this article, we will see how to use the rename linux command, what its advantages and limitations are, and how to resolve common problems that one may encounter.

What is the rename linux command?

rename files linux 06 rename command delete filename part
Source: https://phoenixnap.com/

The rename linux command is a command that is part of the util-linux package, which includes several utilities for managing files and disks on Linux. It allows you to rename files using regular expressions (regex), which are sequences of characters that define a pattern to find and replace in a text string.

The general syntax of the rename linux command is as follows:

rename [options] expression files
  • options : these are optional parameters that modify the behavior of the command. For example, the -n allows you to do a test without making the changes, the -v allows you to display the file names before and after the change, and the -f allows you to force file replacement existing.
  • expression : this is the regular expression that defines the pattern to search for and replace in file names. It generally consists of two parts separated by a comma: the first part indicates the pattern to search for, and the second part indicates the pattern with which to replace it. For example, the expression s/\.txt/\.doc/ means to replace the .txt with the .doc .
  • files : these are the files to be renamed. We can use wildcards like * or ? to select multiple files that match a pattern. For example, *.txt refers to all files whose name ends in .txt .

What are the advantages of the rename linux command?

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The rename linux command has several advantages over other methods for renaming files on Linux. Among these advantages, we can cite:

The rapidity

The rename linux command allows you to rename multiple files in a single command line, without the need to create a script or use a GUI. This can be very useful for making quick, one-off changes to a large number of files.


The rename linux command allows you to use regular expressions to define the change rules, which provides great freedom and precision in changing file names. We can thus make complex and varied changes, such as changing the case, adding or removing prefixes or suffixes, inserting or extracting data, etc.


The rename linux command is available on most Linux distributions, allowing it to be used on different systems without the need to install or configure other software.

What are the limitations of the rename linux command?

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The rename linux command is not without its drawbacks, and one should be aware of its limitations before using it. Among these limits, we can cite:

The complexity

The rename linux command requires knowledge and mastery of regular expressions, which are a language in their own right with its own syntax and rules. You must therefore pay attention to details and possible errors when writing a regular expression, and test its result carefully before applying it.

The danger

The rename linux command can have irreversible effects on files, so caution and caution should be used when using it. In particular, you must check that there are no conflicts or duplicates between file names, and that important or sensitive files are not modified. It is advisable to make a backup of the files before renaming them, and to use the -n to do a test without making the changes.


The rename linux command may not work the same on all Linux systems because there are several versions of this command that use different regular expressions. You must therefore check which version of the rename linux command is installed on the system, and adapt its regular expression accordingly. For example, the Perl version of the linux rename command uses Perl regular expressions, which are more powerful, but also more complex, than POSIX regular expressions.

How to solve common problems with the rename linux command?

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The rename linux command can sometimes generate problems or errors when using it. Here are some examples of common problems and how to resolve them:

  • The problem : the rename linux command does not find the files to rename, or renames files that do not match the desired pattern.
  • The solution : you must check that the pattern sought in the regular expression corresponds to the name of the files to be renamed, and that there are no syntax or escape errors in the expression. You must also check that the wildcards used to select the files are correct, and that they are not interpreted by the shell before being passed to the rename linux command. To avoid this, enclose wildcards in single quotes or use the -e to indicate that the expression is a regular expression.
  • The problem : the rename linux command renames files with an empty name, or with a name that contains unwanted characters.
  • The solution : you must check that the replacement pattern in the regular expression corresponds to the desired name for the renamed files, and that there are no syntax errors or escapes in the expression. You should also check that the replacement name does not contain special or forbidden characters in the file system, such as / , \ , : , * , ? , " , < , > , or | . To avoid this, one must use escape characters or character classes to represent these special characters in the regular expression.
  • The problem : The rename linux command generates conflicts or duplicates between the names of renamed files, or overwrites existing files.
  • The solution : check that there are no identical or similar names between the files to be renamed, and that there are no existing files that have the same name as the renamed files. You should also check that the -f is not used, because it forces the replacement of existing files. To avoid this, replacement patterns must be used that guarantee the uniqueness of the names of renamed files, such as adding a sequential number or a timestamp.


What is the difference between rename linux command and mv command?

The mv command allows you to move or rename a single file or directory at a time, specifying the source name and the destination name. It does not allow you to use regular expressions to modify file names, nor to rename several files in a single command line. The rename linux command allows you to rename multiple files in a single command line, using regular expressions to define the change rules. It does not allow you to move files or directories, or change their location.

How do I install the rename linux command on my system?

The rename linux command is part of the util-linux package, which is usually installed by default on most Linux distributions. If this is not the case, you can install the util-linux package with your distribution's package manager. For example, on Debian or Ubuntu, you can use the sudo apt install util-linux . On Fedora or CentOS, you can use the sudo yum install util-linux .

How do I know which version of the rename linux command I am using?

There are several versions of the rename linux command that use different regular expressions. To find out which version of the rename linux command is installed on your system, you can use the --version or consult the manual with the man rename . For example, if we get the message rename from util-linux 2.36 , this means that we are using the POSIX version of the rename linux command. If we get the message rename (Perl) 5.30 , this means that we are using the Perl version of the rename linux command.

How to learn to use regular expressions?

Regular expressions are a language in their own right with their own syntax and rules. There are many tutorials and resources online for learning how to use regular expressions. For example, you can consult the site https://regexone.com/ which offers interactive lessons and exercises to learn about regular expressions. You can also use tools like https://regex101.com/ or https://www.regextester.com/ which allow you to test and visualize how regular expressions work.

What are the alternatives to the rename linux command?

If the rename linux command does not suit one's needs or is not available on one's system, one can use other methods to rename files on Linux. For example, you can use a graphical interface like Nautilus or Dolphin which offer mass renaming functions. You can also use a script in bash or Python which uses a for loop to browse the files and rename them with the mv command. You can also use other commands like mmv or vidir which allow you to rename files with simple patterns or text editors.


The rename linux command is a powerful and convenient tool for mass renaming files on a Linux operating system. It allows you to change the name of multiple files in a single command line, using regular expressions to define the change rules. It has several advantages, such as speed, flexibility and portability, but also some limitations, such as complexity, dangerousness and compatibility. You must therefore be aware of its possibilities and risks before using it, and test your regular expression carefully before applying it. For example, if we want to rename all the files that contain the keyword “Echo in CMD”, which is a command that allows you to display a message on the screen or in a file on Windows , you can use the following command :

rename 's/Echo in CMD/Echo in terminal/' *.txt

This command will replace the keyword “ Echo in CMD ” with the keyword “ Echo in Terminal” in all files whose name ends with .txt.

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