For your professional needs such as during a gaming game, the use of a USB-HUB is one of the essential points for a better experience. This type of accessory allows you to use several peripherals at the same time while maintaining their performance . The latter are also renowned for their great practicality and their ability to share energy so that all the heads of your devices draw the same amount of flow.
Looking for a USB HUB? Know that there are all kinds of them on the market. Also, it is easy to get lost between 2.0, 3.0 models, with mixed ports or even those that are portable . Help yourself to our Top 3 of the best USB HUBs to make your choice. Our purchasing advice as well as our FAQ will also answer all the questions you may have during this purchasing process.
Know before purchasing!
Before you start purchasing a USB HUB, discover the 3 most important points to know about this type of accessory!
- Makes it easier to use multiple devices
- Keeps the same energy flow for each of your devices
- Easy to use and efficient whatever your PC
Comparison of the 3 best products
Buying a USB HUB is an investment in its own right. For good reason, it must be usable over time. And to help you find a model that will serve you over the long term, here are 3 examples of products known for their high quality.
1. Anker Data Hub 4 USB ports

Features and Reviews
Manufactured by the IT giant Anker, this USB HUB model is type 3.0 with a capacity of 4 ports. Although it comes in a very compact design, its performance offers a transfer speed of 5GB every second. You will have no trouble using it whatever the operating system of your PC.
As for its input, it is done with a USB type power supply socket whose resistance makes its use safer. Opinions about it are therefore unanimous, this device is one of the most appreciated by users. Its ease of use is its greatest strength. It will only take you a few minutes for everything to be accessible. Especially since you can easily transport it when you travel.
2. Sabrent 4-Port USB 3.0 Hub HB-UM43

Features and Reviews
Looking for a versatile USB HUB? This model from the Sabrent brand is exactly what you need! It has unrivaled power thanks to its 5X86 type processor and its speed of 1MHz. Like the model above, this USB HUB offers a transfer speed of 5GB per second. It is also suitable for all operating systems.
In terms of design, the Sabrent 4-Port USB 3.0 Hub is medium in size. It has LEDs that show you the installation of your peripherals. In addition to the PC, the tablet and your Smartphone, it is possible to connect it to a games console. Enough to make things easier for Gaming enthusiasts. This model is unanimously appreciated by users for its quality/price ratio. Both simple to use and install, it can be transported on your various trips without taking up too much space.
3. Aukey SuperSpeed M3H4 4-Port USB 3.0 Hub

Features and Reviews
Last but not least in our selection, the Aukey brand model is type 3.0. It also has 4 ports and allows use for all types of peripherals. Its performance equals that of previous models. Indeed, it also offers a transfer speed of 5GB while adapting to the different operating systems of your devices.
However, the design of this USB HUB differentiates it from other models. You will notice that it is much more imposing. It is made with an aluminum casing, which allows you to transport it safely. This accessory is also not afraid of scratches or minor shocks. This USB HUB model offers good protection against power surges.
Users were won over by its design but also its practicality. It only takes a few minutes to plug it in and it integrates easily with the rest of your office equipment. We also note that it does not move when new devices are inserted thanks to its rubber and iron base. Enough to make its use even more pleasant.
USB HUB Buying Guide
Once you have decided to buy a USB HUB, you will need to compare the different models available to you. The purchasing criteria that we are going to discuss will allow you to make a purchase according to your needs. So, there is no risk of unpleasant surprises when using it. So how to proceed? Here are the points to check before purchasing a USB HUB:
• Power power supply : You will have the choice between USB HUBs powered by the PC and others by sector with an external source. The first choice is suitable for classic use. Models of this type are efficient and mobile. So you can take them with you anywhere. The second type is recommended for professional uses. In fact, models with an power supply better support energy-consuming devices that you can plug into the device. The latter, however, are less practical since their use is very limited.
• The number of ports : This parameter will mainly depend on the use you intend to make of your USB HUB. Classic models generally offer 4 ports. Sufficient capacity if you only use this accessory for a gaming session or traditional use. However, some models can offer up to 10 inputs. In any case, the more devices you have to connect to it, the more input ports you will need.
• Port types : This setting will allow you to determine the transfer speed of your data when devices are connected to your USB HUB. Type 2.0 models generally offer a speed of 480 Mb/s. A fairly slow speed if you use energy-hungry devices. If you need a device with greater power, it is advisable to turn to USB 3.0 HUBs. Models of this type offer a speed of 5 Gb/s on average. Enough to allow you to make even faster transfers according to your needs.
• Compatibility : Make sure your USB HUB is suitable for different devices. You will therefore need to check that it has Type A, B or C connectors depending on your needs. On the other hand, make sure the USB HUB adapts to the different operating systems of your devices. The standard models combine without problem with devices running Windows , Mac OS as well as Linux for example. If you use another operating system, you will need to check that it is compatible with your USB HUB model.
• Design : The USB HUB must be a secure and easy to transport device. Based on your travel frequency, choose a more or less light device. The more compact it is, the more you will be able to take it with you on your various trips. Finally, consider choosing a durable device for your use. The classic models are made of plastic but you can also find some in aluminum. Now that you have all the information in hand, it will be easier for you to look for a USB HUB that meets your needs. Browse the different offers and make a comparison to be sure you make the right choice since the acquisition of such an accessory is always an investment in its own right!
After discovering the best USB HUBs on the market, you have the option to proceed directly to the purchase. Still have some doubts about making the right choice? We answer all the questions you may have in order to find the USB HUB that best meets your needs.
Which USB HUB to use for what purpose?
A quick look around the internet will show you that there is a wide variety of USB HUBs on the market. These meet a very specific type of need too, it is important to take this into account before making a purchase. The 2.0 model is the most popular currently.
You can choose the latter if you are used to working on old devices. It also meets the needs of traditional data sharing. You will also be fully satisfied if it is only there to optimize access to your mouse and a few external hard drives.
On the other hand, there is the USB 3.0 HUB which is a little more advanced. As its name suggests, it corresponds to the use of 3rd generation ports. But not only ! It can also be used with older USBs given its capacity. We recommend this type of device for even faster transfers than with other versions.
Finally, you have the Mixed USB HUBs . These are the most difficult to find on the market but they do exist. This device is most recommended if you use multiple types of devices. It contains both Type A and Type C ports to meet all needs. These are ideal for professionals given their high capacity of use.
How to use a USB HUB correctly?

The first step to using your USB HUB is to properly install it to your PC. An easy process since this type of device simply needs to be plugged in to be accessible in most cases. And once it's running, you can plug in your devices to access your data and other features they offer.
Although the USB HUB offers good sharing of energy flows, be careful in cases of overload . Indeed, electrical feedback can quickly damage your accessory and associated peripherals if you exceed the indicated limit in terms of intensity. You will therefore need to choose the devices that you will use with your USB HUB so that it can be used over time.