Have you invested in purchasing a laptop? Of course you want it to last as long as possible. But how do you remove fingerprints, dust and other dirt from your long hours spent behind your screen? And all this without scratching it? Follow the leader !
Here is a quick overview of the cleaning steps to pamper your laptop as it should be, and at a lower cost!
First step: what to clean your computer with?
Before you can transform yourself into Mr. Clean, it is essential to gather the right equipment.
You have certainly thought of the famous “special computer” wipes. Indeed, they can do the job, but their quality varies a lot from one brand to another and the price can quickly climb... For our cleaning, we will aim for simpler , cheaper and more ecological ! Not bad is not it ?
Here is our recommendation for cleaning your computer: tested and approved!
The basics needed to clean your laptop:

- Microfiber cloths are a must -have for cleaning electronic devices with a screen. It has the advantage of not linting and being anti-static . Ideally, plan to have two, one wet and one dry for finalizing.
- Ideally demineralized /distilled water . You will find it quite easily in your usual supermarket. The price is very affordable and this water helps prevent mineral traces on your screen.
- White vinegar , to be diluted with demineralized water, why not in a vaporizer/sprayer with a ratio of 1/3 white vinegar, 2/3 water. You will find it in supermarkets, DIY stores at a low price...And it is well known that white vinegar is the must have for household cleaning, it will be useful to you again!
- Isopropyl alcohol (we promise, we won't get into a chemistry class here). It is an alternative choice to white vinegar. This alcohol-based solution evaporates quickly and leaves no streaks. It is used in particular for cleaning sensors and other electronic components. It can be found in pharmacies or DIY stores. If the concentration is above 70°, you can also dilute it a little 1/3 alcohol, 2/3 distilled water.
- A few cotton swabs to reach difficult areas , on which you can put a little of the chosen solution.
- A small handheld vacuum cleaner or mini USB vacuum cleaner, available on e-commerce sites. They are more suitable than “household vacuum cleaners” which are too powerful for what we want to do.
- A forced air bomb . It will help us a lot with finishing the keyboard. You will find them online at affordable prices.
A few tips
- We avoid : paper towels, handkerchiefs, cloth napkins, which cause micro-scratches. We even avoid the super cool old T-shirt, which risks leaving you with beautiful lint…
And finally, we avoid 90° alcohol, window cleaner, acetone, and any type of unsuitable household products, all of these liquids being too abrasive.
- NEVER spray on the surface as this could damage the machine. Spraying or humidification is always done on the microfiber cloth, the aim being to moisten it and not soak it.
Are you ready? Let the cleaning begin!

At least dirty...
Let's get practical and start with the most visible, the screen . First of all, it is better to take some precautions. Indeed, even if short circuits are unlikely, it is always preferable to turn off before starting any spring cleaning...
Beyond the security , this also brings some advantages .
And yes… it's quite stupid but you can see the dust better when the computer screen is black than when it is on. Then, for LED screens, this helps eliminate static electricity which is not adequate for their lifespan.
So turn off your computer! You will simplify your life and preserve your machine.

Once this step has been completed, if you are in a hurry and have not had time to go to the supermarket you can try the fogging method (I am sure you tried it long before I gave it to you, but just in case…). Take your cloth, blow a little mist into the center and clean in circular motions from the center outwards. Iron several times if necessary.
Does your screen need a more thorough cleaning ? This is where our hardware comes in! Spray or dampen a little of your solution on the microfiber cloth then start cleaning with the same circular motion from the center outwards. For corners and screen edges, your damp cotton swab will be perfect! Dry or polish with the dry cloth if necessary.
Continue cleaning towards the hull . This is a less fragile part, but be careful not to force the gesture. Go several times if necessary rather than focusing on a stubborn stain or mark! Tip : you can spread your dry microfiber cloth on the keyboard and close your screen on it while you clean the shell. Your work will thus be preserved while waiting to move on.
…To the dirtiest!

Here we are now on the touchy (sorry, it was tempting): cleaning the keyboard ! We can never say it enough, but our dear companion's keyboard is a nest of microbes . Make sure to clean it regularly, for its good… and yours!
To start, use your handheld vacuum or mini USB vacuum to vacuum up anything that's not supposed to be there (crumbs, pizza pieces, and other junk). This will make room for the rest of the cleaning.
Then use the forced air can to remove any remaining dust from the gap between the keys. By vacuuming beforehand, you will avoid propelling large pieces inside your keyboard...
Let's finish with the top of the keys and the touchpad . It's the return of the soft cloth! Moisten it again if necessary with your water+vinegar solution. Then, gently pass over the keys and the touch surface to remove any residue of finger grease or unidentified stains...
Dry if necessary with your dry cloth. You can refine the cleaning using a cotton swab, to go into the smallest corners of the keyboard, and in particular between the keys, which are sometimes difficult to access with a cloth.
We have taken the tour of optimal laptop cleaning . Now it's time to admire the result! With a few accessories and ingredients, at an affordable price, you have overcome dirt, BRAVO ! Now that you are a Mr. Clean of the computer, do not hesitate to repeat the operation at least once a week , just to keep the rhythm!
You now have all the keys in hand to your laptop a makeover It will thus be protected from premature wear .
Do you have any other tips? Don’t hesitate to share them with us in the comments!