You don't often notice it, but your computer screen or monitor is one of the objects you touch the most. Especially if your work requires you to use your PC daily. Fingerprints will make your screen more and more dirty!
Here are the best products of the moment to clean your PC screen!
Cleaning your PC monitor is therefore an operation that you will have to consider. This will prevent you from having an ugly screen, and above all, difficulty viewing images.
But a PC screen is a very delicate tool, even more so if it is an LCD screen. The latter can be damaged with just a little pressure. Furthermore, not all products are suitable for cleaning.
In this article, I show you in detail the different steps to follow to optimally clean your PC monitor . You will also have many tips that will help you avoid damaging your precious work tool.
Which products should you use to clean your PC monitor?
We can no longer count the number of times many people have wanted to use household products to clean their computer screens. It is true that it can be tempting to take advantage of products that you already have on hand.
But remember that your PC screen is fragile. Instead of solving them, these kinds of products instead bring you problems. Alcohol, ammonia, detergents, window fluid, etc. should therefore be avoided when cleaning your computer screen.
So what to use? Today, there are specific cleaning products for screens that can be very effective. Using these will allow you to rid your screen of any impurities.
But guess what? solution of distilled water yourself and use it with a suitable cloth to clean all the dirt on your screen. Find out how.
The best product to use to clean your laptop screen!
A cleaning solution based on distilled water
The advantage of distilled water is that it is free of all minerals. Here's how to prepare your solution.
Take your distilled water, and add white wine vinegar (only this one) in a proportion of 50/50 (not to exceed). White vinegar is not obligatory, but it remains very effective in case of too much dirt. Mixed with distilled water, it increases your chances of removing all marks and fingerprints.
Once your solution is ready, follow the following steps to avoid taking unnecessary risks when cleaning your screen.
#1 Turn off and unplug your screen

Whether it is a PC computer screen or a laptop PC, it is always best to turn off a device before cleaning it, especially if you must use a liquid. Even if there are more risks with a laptop PC than a PC screen, still turn off your machine and unplug it. This avoids the risk of electrocution and electronic damage.
And you know what ? In any case, you can see dirt better on a turned off screen. All the more reason to do it. Also remember to remove the battery. Liquid and battery never go well together.
#2 Spray your distilled water solution onto a cloth and rub it onto your screen
Above all, do not use your solution directly on your screen. For this step, you will need a spray bottle and a soft, clean cloth. It is preferable that the latter be made of microfibers and antistatic. This way you won't leave any residue on your monitor.
So spray a small amount of your distilled water solution onto the cloth, and use it to wipe down your screen. I remind you, a computer screen is a very delicate object. So don't press too hard. Otherwise you risk damaging it.
Go slowly and use circular movements. Wipe until you are sure you have removed all the dirt, even if it means starting the process again.

Other tips and tricks
- When there is not too much dirt on your screen, there is no need to use a liquid solution. Your microfiber cloth alone will be enough. Use the same procedure for cleaning.
- There are certain parts of your screen that will be difficult to reach. In this case, you can lightly soak a cotton swab in your cleaning solution and use it.
- Since you never know how a screen will react to a solution, try your liquid on a small area first and wait a few minutes to see the effects.
What you should absolutely avoid
- Although it might be tempting, don't use paper tissues to clean your monitor. Napkins and handkerchiefs may scratch the surface of the latter.
- Be especially careful not to put too much of the solution in the cloth. The latter could taste and damage your machine. This is why it is absolutely necessary to use a sprayer and avoid directly wetting the screen.
SO ?
Cleaning your computer screen regularly is a good habit to get into. But it is important to do it with the greatest delicacy. Follow the instructions I just gave you and things will be easier for you.
And if you have any questions or encounter any difficulties, let me know in the comments. I will be happy to answer you.