Which connected alarm should you choose to protect your home?

A connected alarm is a security system that allows you to monitor and control your home remotely, via a mobile application or voice assistant. It alerts you in the event of an intrusion, smoke, water leak or any other abnormal event. It can also offer you additional features, such as managing heating, lighting or roller shutters.

But how to choose your connected alarm among the many offers on the market? What are the criteria to take into account to find the system best suited to your needs and your budget? Here are some tips to help you make the right choice.

Types of connected alarms

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There are two main types of connected alarms: standalone alarms and alarms connected to a remote monitoring center.

Autonomous alarms

Standalone alarms are systems that you install and manage yourself, without going through a professional. Like a videophone , they generally consist of a central unit, motion or opening detectors, a siren, a camera and remote controls or badges. They connect to your internet box or your mobile network to send you notifications to your smartphone in the event of an alert. You can then view the camera images, trigger the siren or call emergency services if necessary.

The advantages of autonomous alarms are:

  • Their cost: they are generally cheaper to purchase and do not require a monthly subscription.
  • Their simplicity: they are easy to install and use, thanks to intuitive applications compatible with voice assistants.
  • Their modularity: you can add or remove elements according to your needs and desires.

The disadvantages of standalone alarms are:

  • Their reliability: they depend on the quality of your internet or mobile connection, which may be disrupted or cut.
  • Their responsibility: you are the only one to manage alerts and respond in the event of an emergency, which can be stressful or impractical if you are far away or unavailable.
  • Their security: they can be hacked or neutralized by clever burglars.

Alarms connected to a remote monitoring center

Alarms connected to a remote monitoring are systems that benefit from professional service 24/7. They consist of the same elements as stand-alone alarms, but they are installed and configured by a qualified technician. They connect to a dedicated telephone line or secure mobile network to transmit alerts to the monitoring center. This verifies the nature of the problem, contacts the owner or trusted people and alerts the police if necessary.

The advantages of alarms connected to a remote monitoring center are:

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  • Their security: they are protected against hacking, jamming or power outage, thanks to encryption and backup systems.
  • Their effectiveness: they guarantee rapid and appropriate intervention in the event of an alert, thanks to the professionalism of operators and security agents.
  • Their serenity: they free you from all responsibility and give you peace of mind, whether you are at home or elsewhere.

The disadvantages of alarms connected to a remote monitoring center are:

  • Their cost: they are more expensive to purchase and require a monthly subscription which can vary depending on the level of service chosen.
  • Their complexity: they require installation and maintenance by a professional, which can be restrictive or limiting.
  • Their rigidity: they are less customizable and scalable than standalone alarms, because they depend on the equipment and the contract offered by the service provider.

The type of sensors

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To protect your home, you have the choice between two types of sensors. These are opening sensors and motion detectors.

Opening sensors

Installed on a door or window, this type of sensor automatically triggers the alarm at the slightest opening. You can find various models of these sensors from many designers. This is the case of the Qiara connected alarm which offers many options for the security of your home.

Some opening sensors are motion and vibration sensors while others are magnetic. Motion and vibration sensors are the most effective, however, because they can activate the alarm if they detect unusual vibrations or knocks. This will allow you to detect any burglars well before they set foot in your home. It must still be recognized that this sensor is much more expensive.

Motion detectors

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Around 20% of burglaries took place after the criminal went through the roof without triggering the opening sensors. The best way to overcome this problem is to use motion detectors. The latter are able to detect any moving silhouette in a normally empty place and trigger the alarm.

In the past, motion detectors were annoying because they were triggered by the slightest movement of a fly or mouse. From now on, they are programmed to discern large bodies from small living beings.  

The number of detectors

To choose your connected alarm, you must also focus on the number of rooms to protect. If the place to be protected only has one door and no windows, a single opening sensor will suffice. However, if there are many rooms to monitor, you will need to install a sensor for each door and window.

Concerning motion detectors, they must be placed in front of any bay window likely to be broken without triggering an opening sensor. They are also useful for covering large rooms or rooms accessible from the roof.


The siren is an essential element of your connected alarm. It is she who pushes the criminal to flee and warns the neighborhood or notifies you of an intrusion into your house. You can install indoor sirens or outdoor sirens.

But before equipping yourself with an outdoor siren, please first contact the condominium for an apartment or the town hall for a subdivision. It is important to do this, because these sirens are not always authorized. You can use an outdoor siren if your house is a little isolated. Apart from its high-pitched and powerful tone, this siren emits a flash to make it easier for the neighborhood to detect the burglarized house. Your neighbors will be able to easily report the location to the police. The interior alarm, for its part, emits a more or less violent sound to create a feeling of stress in the burglar. Which causes the latter to flee.

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The selection criteria

To choose your connected alarm, you must take into account several criteria, such as:

  • The size of the accommodation: the larger it is, the more detectors and cameras will be needed to cover all sensitive areas.
  • The type of accommodation: it is not necessary to have the same protection for an apartment located in a secure building as for an isolated house.
  • Lifestyle: the system must be adapted to the habits of the occupants, such as the presence of pets, the number of people authorized or absence times.
  • The budget: you must compare the purchase price of the equipment, the cost of installation and the amount of the monthly subscription if necessary.
  • Functionalities: you need to check the options offered by the system, such as compatibility with voice assistants, home automation management or fire detection.


A connected alarm is a system that allows you to protect your home against intrusions and domestic accidents. It consists of a control unit, detectors, a siren, a camera and a mobile application. It can be autonomous or connected to a remote monitoring center. To choose your connected alarm, you must take into account the size and type of your home, your lifestyle, your budget and the desired features.

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