What is body shopping?

    Body shopping is a practice which consists of recruiting workers ( generally in the IT sector ) to make them available to other companies on short or medium-term missions. This is a form of outsourcing that allows client companies to benefit from the skills and expertise of these workers without having to hire them internally. Body shopping is also called IT management or technical assistance .

    What are the benefits of body shopping?

    Body shopping has several advantages for the different actors involved:

    What are the benefits of body shopping?
    • For corporate clients, body shopping allows them to reduce their costs by avoiding expenses related to recruitment, training and personnel management. They can also gain flexibility by adapting their workforce according to their needs and projects. They can also access rare or specific skills that they do not have internally.
    • For service companies, body shopping allows them to build customer loyalty by offering them personalized, quality service. They can also diversify their activities by offering a wide range of profiles and areas of intervention. They can also optimize their profitability by billing their services at a rate higher than the salary paid to workers.
    • For workers, body shopping allows them to develop their skills by working on varied and stimulating projects. They can also benefit from a certain autonomy in the organization of their work and in the choice of their missions. They can also benefit from better remuneration than if they were employees of a client company.

    What are the disadvantages of body shopping?

    What are the disadvantages of body shopping?

    Body shopping also presents some disadvantages for the different actors involved:

    • For corporate clients, body shopping can lead to a loss of control over the quality and safety of the services provided. They may also depend on service providers to ensure continuity and consistency of services provided. They may also risk losing key skills if workers leave the provider company or are assigned to other missions.
    • For service companies, body shopping can lead to increased competition in the job market, particularly with countries where salaries are lower. They may also experience fluctuations in demand from corporate clients, which can affect their planning and financial stability. They may also have difficulty retaining workers if they are dissatisfied with their working conditions or if they receive more attractive offers.
    • For workers, body shopping can generate professional insecurity by exposing them to frequent changes of missions, companies and workplaces. They may also lack integration within the teams and cultures of client companies. They may also be under significant pressure to meet project deadlines and requirements.

    How to succeed in body shopping?

    How to succeed in body shopping?

    To get the most out of body shopping, it is important to follow a few good practices:

    • For client companies, it is essential to clearly define their needs in terms of skills, duration and budget. It is also important to choose a reliable partner who has a good reputation, recognized expertise and a pool of qualified talent. It is also recommended to monitor and evaluate the services performed by workers and provide them with constructive feedback.
    • For service providers, it is essential to know the market and stay informed of trends and opportunities. It is also crucial to offer profiles adapted to the needs of client companies and to support them throughout the mission. It is also advisable to promote and retain their workers by offering them training, development prospects and social benefits.
    • For workers, it is necessary to update their skills and train in new technologies and tools. It is also essential to take care of their professional image and to be available, responsive and proactive. It is also wise to negotiate their working conditions and ensure their work-life balance.


    What is the difference between body shopping and outsourcing? 

    Outsourcing is a form of subcontracting which consists of entrusting an external company with carrying out part or all of a process or function. Body shopping is a specific form of outsourcing which consists of recruiting workers to make them available to a client company for a specific mission .

    What professions are involved in body shopping? 

    What professions are involved in body shopping?

    Body shopping mainly concerns IT-related professions , such as developers , web editors and proofreaders, analysts , project managers , consultants , engineers , etc. Body shopping can also affect other areas such as marketing , communication , accounting , legal , etc.

    What are the legal risks of body shopping?

    Body shopping can lead to legal risks linked to the status of workers , compliance with labor law , protection of personal data, intellectual property, etc. To avoid these risks , it is important to draft clear and precise contracts that define the rights and obligations of each party .


    What are the tax advantages of body shopping? 

    What are the tax advantages of body shopping?

    Body shopping can allow corporate clients to benefit from tax advantages by reducing their payroll and deducting costs related to external services . Body shopping can also allow service provider companies to benefit from tax advantages by optimizing their tax rate and taking advantage of export incentives.

    What are the trends in body shopping? 

    Body shopping is a practice that evolves according to market needs and technological innovations . Among the current trends in body shopping, we can cite:

    • The use of teleworking, which allows workers to carry out their missions remotely and client companies to reduce their costs linked to premises.
    • The development of cloud computing , which allows client companies to access outsourced IT resources and service provider companies to offer more efficient and secure solutions.
    • The emergence of nearshoring , which consists of using service providers located in geographically or culturally close countries, which facilitates communication and collaboration.


    Body shopping is a common practice in the IT sector which consists of recruiting workers to make them available to other companies on short or medium-term missions . Body shopping can affect different areas of IT, such as development, maintenance, consulting or business intelligence . This last area brings together techniques that allow data to be processed to help in decision-making . Body shopping has advantages and disadvantages for client companies, service providers and workers. To be successful in body shopping , it is important to follow a few good practices that optimize quality, profitability and stakeholder satisfaction .

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