Many people regularly complain about speed problems today in France. In fact, many Internet users cannot benefit from optical fiber, and have an ADSL speed that is too low. However, there is hardware equipment that allows you to benefit from a fast internet connection. Discover some of these equipment in this article.
The 4G box

Do you live in an area where optical fiber is not yet available ? You don't have a high-performance ADSL line? While waiting for 2025, the year planned for the deployment of optical fiber for all, you can benefit from a fast connection thanks to a 4G box. This box to install in your home allows you to connect all your devices (computers, tablets, game consoles, etc.) to the internet via the 4G network.
Furthermore, be aware that the price of 4G box subscriptions varies from one operator to another. However, all offers in this area remain non-binding and ISPs often offer a money-back trial period. Don't forget, however, that this type of subscription is aimed at households which have low internet speed, but also good 4G coverage inside their home. So, you need to check your eligibility when you want to avail this boxing.
The Wi-Fi repeater

Most PCs in homes are connected via the Wi-Fi network, which allows access to the internet without using a cable. However, a poor quality Wi-Fi network leads to poor coverage of your home and therefore does not allow you to benefit from a fast connection even if you have the best wifi card for PC . To optimize the range of the Wi-Fi network in your home, you can buy a Wi-Fi repeater. This equipment, to be placed near the place where the coverage is not good, will extend the Wi-Fi signal in your home and retransmit it to your connected devices.
Many brands offer this equipment on their website or in their stores. To have a Wi-Fi repeater, budget at least €30. You will also find premium Wi-Fi repeaters on the market. These display more advanced features and offer control of the equipment with your smartphone.
This article might interest you: How to improve WiFi reception on my laptop?
The CPL kit

If your PC has an Ethernet port, you can choose an Ethernet connection rather than Wi-Fi to improve your internet connection. This is even more profitable if your computer is not close to your box. In reality, modem settings and distance reduce Wi-Fi performance. By using a cable, you don't risk losing information. But instead of connecting your box and your computer with a long cable, you will gain a lot from opting for a CPL kit. This includes two boxes, which plug into an electrical wall outlet.
One of the boxes connects to your modem with an Ethernet cable and the other to your PC. The connection between these two elements of the CPL kit is made via the electrical network via micro-pulses. In short, you can improve your internet connection by using a 4G box, a Wi-Fi repeater or a CPL kit. Also note that you can find 4G box or internet promos by going to cablereview .