The new era of collaborative work thanks to screens in the meeting room

    The new era of collaborative work thanks to screens in the meeting room

    In recent years, collaborative work has come to the forefront and appears to be booming. We are now able to unite the internal relationships of a company with the digital evolution of this same company: we thus guarantee a strengthening of the organization and collaborative exchanges. Collaborative work makes it possible to strengthen human contact and the sharing of knowledge.

    In a Society that focuses more and more on individuality, it is important to remember that alone we move quickly, together we go further: you then strengthen your group cohesion and your effectiveness!

    Why digitalize your workspace?

    work meeting screen

    Collaborative work platforms, otherwise called “Digital WorkPlaces”, are increasingly popular within a company’s organization. Indeed, they put into action management tools (planning, retro-planning, invoicing, project monitoring, etc.), exchanges (common chat, private messaging, etc.), file upload, video meetings, note management expenses, paid leave, etc.

    The highlighting of skills present within the structure is also guaranteed, which facilitates recruitment campaigns which can then focus on skills which we do not yet have internally. On the other hand, the digitalization of a workspace should be encouraged since it helps to develop nomadic work, allowing employees to access their tools and files from anywhere and at any time.

    A digital meeting room with the Samsung Flip 2 flipchart

    samsng flip 2 1

    The digitalization of a workspace does not stop only at the virtual level or at a company's internal computer network! Another way to support a company through its digitalization: set up dynamic meeting rooms, in order to make them more interactive. This helps to maintain a proactive state of mind among the teams.

    Your digital meeting room could notably be equipped with an intuitive and efficient meeting room screen More specifically, there are interactive digital screens that allow both displaying and interacting with the image. Writing, annotating or drawing then becomes child's play: with your fingers or a stylus, your meetings take on a very special dynamic!

    The Samsung Flip 2, a new generation whiteboard, is the flipchart increasingly in demand by businesses. It is an ergonomic tool, which facilitates the creativity of teams and which transcribes documents faithfully thanks to its UHD resolution. And as if that wasn't enough, the Samsung flipchart also has a wheeled support and a swivel to switch from portrait to landscape format in just one gesture. It then easily becomes a nomadic tool, from one meeting room to another. Ergonomic, it will facilitate the sharing of information and ideas.

    Finally, synchronization with devices allows real-time preview of your documents. Stunning, right?

    Good to know : For companies that favor digital, using a tablet in meetings is increasingly necessary to improve ergonomics.

    Complete the digitalization of your meeting room

    A connected meeting room also requires the installation of an efficient videoconferencing system. Each room has its own installation: there is no need to consider installing a 75-inch screen for a meeting room that can accommodate only 4 people.

    Furthermore, the capture equipment (camera) must be chosen carefully in order to obtain a faithful image, with quality rendering. In certain cases, we may also consider adding microphones for ideal sound transcription.

    Finally, you must keep in mind that an operational connected meeting room is a room with a high-performance, latency-free Wi-Fi network, as well as software suitable for videoconferencing.

    As you will have understood, collaborative work spaces are becoming the tools of tomorrow. It is then necessary to adapt your premises to continue to guarantee long-term productivity among your company's teams.

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