Streaming on PC: Become a pro with the ideal hardware!

Have you dreamed of sharing your video game passions with the whole world and creating a community around you? Streaming has become an accessible and popular way to entertain yourself and interact with other gamers. But to offer an optimal experience to your viewers, it is crucial to have the right equipment.

Whether you are a beginner or experienced streamer, this article will guide you through the essential elements to create a high-performance PC setup adapted to your needs.

1. The PC: The heart of your streaming installation


Choosing your PC is crucial to ensuring smooth, high-quality streams. Here are the key points to consider:

  • Processor: Opt for a powerful processor with at least 6 cores and 12 threads, like an Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5.
  • Graphics Card: The graphics card is essential for encoding and streaming your video. An NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Super or AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT is a good place to start.
  • RAM: 16GB of RAM is the minimum standard for streaming, but 32GB will give you more flexibility for resource-intensive tasks.
  • Storage: An NVMe SSD will deliver lightning-fast loading and data transfer speeds, optimizing your streaming experience.

2. Capture your gameplay and webcam

To immerse your viewers in your world, you will need to capture your gameplay and your webcam.

  • Capture card: If you are streaming on console, an external capture card is required to connect your console to your PC.
  • Webcam: An HD (720p) or Full HD (1080p) quality webcam will allow you to interact with your viewers live.

3. Sound: An often overlooked element

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Shot of the Beautiful Pro Gamer Girl Playing in First-Person Shooter Online Video Game on Her Personal Computer. Casual Cute Geek wearing Glasses and Headset. Neon Room. eSport Cyber ​​Games Internet Championship Event.

Quality sound is essential to provide a pleasant experience to your viewers.

  • Microphone: A dedicated streaming microphone, like a Blue Yeti or HyperX SoloCast, will significantly improve the quality of your voice.
  • Sound card: An external sound card can be useful for fine-tuning sound control and reducing extraneous noise.

4. Streaming software: The conductor of your broadcast

Streaming software is the link between your hardware and your streaming platform.

  • OBS Studio: This free, open-source software is a popular choice among streamers, offering great flexibility and advanced features.
  • Streamlabs OBS: An alternative version to OBS Studio, more intuitive for beginners and offering additional customization tools.

5. Internet connection

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A reliable and fast internet connection is essential for streaming but also if you are gaming, especially when it comes to video games or even online casino games where latency can ruin your experience. A quality router, such as those offered by Netgear or TP-Link, with specs like dual-band and Wi-Fi 6, can provide a stable and fast connection.

It is also recommended to have an internet plan with a speed of at least 100 Mbps to ensure no lag while gaming. Latency should also be low, ideally below 20 ms, for an optimal gaming experience.

6. Don’t forget the accessories!

A few accessories can improve your comfort and the quality of your stream.

  • Keyboard and mouse: An ergonomic keyboard and mouse will allow you to play and interact with your cat comfortably.
  • Chair: A comfortable seat is essential for long streaming sessions.
  • Lighting: Good lighting will allow you to be clearly visible to your viewers.


By choosing the right hardware and fine-tuning your setup, you will provide your viewers with an immersive, high-quality streaming experience. Remember, investing in the right equipment can save you time, improve your productivity and set you apart from the competition.

Get started and make your streaming dreams come true!

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