The yellow tint story on the screen returns for the IPhone 12 and IPhone 12 Pro . Users therefore complain that some screens are not completely new. Indeed, some announce slightly yellowish colors when comparing with other IPhone 12 or version 11.
Why do some screens turn a little yellow?
Different voices are being raised, to name only those from MacRumors and Reddit. Users show comparison photos between their IPhone 12 and their IPhone 11 Pro. Customers thus complain that it was the quantity of production that took precedence and not the quality. According to them, there is a lack of quality control or even voluntary quantitative production to liquidate recycled screens . According to a user on MacRumors, the use of the screen turning yellow is not a new occurrence. Apple has encountered the same problem every year since the iPhone 3G . According to him, this is voluntary to be able to sell recycled screens with users who are not really looking for top quality. This is why not all iPhone 12 screens produce the same shade.
Some users on MacRumors indicate that the tolerance threshold has been lowered in terms of quality assurance to allow recycled screens to be sold. Some are already hoping for a replacement for their iPhones. It should be noted that these iPhones are under warranty and that if there is a display problem, Apple will surely replace the models concerned. To make sure there really is a problem, users can do a colorimetry test .
Why buy IPhone 12?
Despite this problem reported by some users, many love the IPhone 12 and do not regret their purchase. Here are the reasons that push users to adopt the new generation of iPhone.

The IPhone 12 features an improved design . The design of the IPhone 12 changes a little visually with its flat edges. We indeed note that the design of the iPhone has not changed since the XS version. New colors have also been introduced: purple, blue, in addition to the presence of a new size. The IPhone 12 gains in display fluidity . In fact, the screen displays 120 images per second ( 120 Hz ) instead of 60 images per second for version 11.
Ceramic Shield glass is also very popular. It protects the screen which becomes 4 times more resistant. The CNBC press confirms this point and also highlights the elegant design of the IPhone 12. Furthermore, CNN claims that the IPhone 12 Pro is quite fast in photographic focusing and is better than the IPhone 11 Pro in mode night . The new version actually manages to capture more details. And finally, the IPhone 12 is equipped with the A14 chip, very powerful compared to the old generation.
In short, despite the problem of the yellowed display on some models, many are satisfied with the IPhone 12. Users who have screen problems can contact Apple resellers, as they are still under warranty.