How to identify power-hungry software with Windows Task Manager?

    Is your laptop draining quickly? Do you notice abnormal overheating? The source of the problem could be power-hungry software that is hogging your system resources. Fortunately, Windows Task Manager offers valuable tools for identifying and terminating these power-hungry software programs.

    Detect power-hungry software

    Step 1: Open Task Manager:

    • Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys at the same time .
    • Right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager .
    • Windows search function by typing “ Task Manager ”.
    picture 10

    By default, it will open to a tab showing all the processes running on your system:

    picture 6

    Step 2: View “Details” Tab

    Details tab is not visible, click More Details at the bottom of the window.

    Step 3: Enable power consumption display:

    • Right-click the header of any column and select Show Columns .
    • Check the Power consumption and click OK .

    Step 4: Analyze energy consumption

    • Energy Consumption column displays the instantaneous consumption of each process.
    picture 7
    • Sort processes in descending order by clicking the column header.
    • Identify software displaying abnormally high consumption.
    picture 8

    Understanding Task Manager data

    • Power Consumption (W): Power consumed by the process.
    • Process Status: Indicates whether the process is active or sleeping.
    • CPU Duration: Time spent by the process using the CPU.
    • Memory (private): Amount of RAM used by the process.

    Put an end to energy-hungry software

    1. Select the energy-intensive process

    • In Task Manager , click the Processes .
    picture 11
    • Identify the process you want to stop.
    • Click on the process to select it.

    2. End the process

    • Click the End Task at the bottom of the window.
    picture 12
    • Confirm the removal of the process in the pop-up window.

    3. Monitor the impact of process deletion

    • Observe the power consumption after ending the process.
    • Check if the problem is resolved.
    • If the problem persists, it may be caused by another process or a hardware problem.

    Alternatives to limit energy consumption

    1. Update software and drivers

    • Recent versions of software and drivers may be more energy efficient .
    • Check for available updates and install them.

    2. Change software settings

    • Some software offers options to reduce energy consumption .
    • Turn off power-hungry features you don't use.

    3. Use energy-efficient software

    • There are less power-hungry alternatives for many software programs.
    • Look for energy-efficient alternatives to software you use regularly.


    Windows Task Manager is a powerful tool for identifying and terminating power-hungry software. By following the steps in this article, you can improve your battery life, reduce GPU overheating , and optimize your computer's performance.

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