How to record your computer screen with screen capture software?

Remote working has become the norm for many. According to a Gallup poll, 8 out of 10 people work in hybrid or remote mode. With the rise of remote setups, the demand for reliable tools to support collaboration and communication increases.

Besides video conferencing and chat apps, screen recording software has also become an indispensable tool. Whether you're creating tutorials or just want to record a video chat with colleagues, screen recording can be extremely useful – and in 2024, it might even be the most important tool.

What is screen capture software?

A screen recorder is software that records activity on a computer. It records all movements, changes and sound on the screen and allows saving the recording as a video file.

Screen recorders are great for creating video tutorials, capturing online meetings, or simply recording a video clip with something you want to share with others. They can even be used to record gaming sessions and create content for streaming platforms like Twitch or YouTube.

Screen recording has been around for years, but recent advancements have made this tool even more accessible than ever before. Today, you can enjoy powerful screen recording software that is available for free and offers many valuable features.

What to Look for in Screen Capture Software

When choosing a screen recorder, you should consider the following features:

  • Compatibility : Is the screen recorder for PC and Mac? Is an app for mobile devices available? Or is it an online screen recording tool?
  • Saving Options : Does the software offer recording in different formats (e.g. MP4, AVI)? Does it support video streaming and audio capture? Also check if it can record both webcam and computer audio.
  • Editing tools : Does it allow you to edit recordings using basic or advanced functions, such as adding text, annotations and transitions?
  • Sharing options : Can we share recordings directly from the program or export them to YouTube/Vimeo/other platforms?
  • Price : Is the software free or paid? Does it offer a subscription plan?

Here are some of the best screen recording software available in 2024:

1. Movavi Screen Recorder

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Movavi Screen Recorder is a powerful, yet easy-to-use screen recording tool. It makes it easy to capture audio and picture from your computer in just a few clicks and can even be used to record webinars, Skype conversations, classes and more.

The app also offers plenty of editing tools, allowing you to quickly edit your recordings once they're finished. This includes adding annotations, arrows, text fields, images and more – all within the app itself!

Additionally, recordings can be saved in many formats, including MP4 and MOV, and can be uploaded directly to YouTube or Google Drive for sharing.

Movavi offers a 7-day free trial with watermark to test the software. The paid plans are also quite affordable and include unlimited recording time and batch processing.

2. Loom

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Loom is a screen recording app designed for the modern workspace. It lets you quickly record yourself and your screen, or just your screen, making it easy to create effective tutorials, demos, or presentations and share them with your team or clients.

Loom can be downloaded to your computer or used as a browser extension. A mobile version is also available.

The application is extremely intuitive and easy to use – just click the “record” button and it begins recording everything on your computer screen in real time. If necessary, you can also add audio narration.

Loom main features:

  • Quick and easy recording: Start recording with one click and capture everything that happens on your screen in real time.
  • Add audio narration: Comment on your live recording to make your videos more explanatory.
  • Automatic storage: Loom automatically saves all your recordings as soon as they are finished, so you no longer have to worry about saving them manually.
  • Easy Sharing: Share links to your recordings with anyone or embed them directly on your website.

Loom versions:

Loom offers a forever free version with basic features. Paid plans are also available for additional features like engagement analytics, unlimited storage, and custom branding.

3: OBS Studio:

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OBS Studio is free and open source screenshot software popular with gamers and live streamers. It allows you to easily record your screen as well as any audio sources, such as microphones or streaming services. Recordings can be personalized and streamed live to platforms such as YouTube, Twitch and Facebook.

OBS Studio features:

  • Add transitions, filters and other effects: Make your videos look more professional.
  • Flexible encoding options: Choose the best resolution and bit rate for your videos.
  • Cross-platform support: Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 11, Mac and Linux.

Conclusion :

Choosing the best screen capture software for you depends on your needs and technical skill level. If you are looking for a simple and easy-to-use solution for quick recordings, Movavi Screen Recorder is our recommendation.

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