Apple Watch 7: a new design, inspiring features. Leak!

    The launch of the Apple Watch Series 7 will take place next September during the iPhone 13 presentation ceremony... However, as is often the case in recent weeks, the design and functionalities of the connected watch have already leaked!

    A shape with straight edges resembling that of the latest iPad and iPhone, more advanced performance... Let's find out all this without further delay! 

    A new design is emerging for the Apple Watch 7

    Apple Watch 7 design
    Credits: 91 mobiles

    According to journalist Mark Gurman from the Bloomberg agency, the next version of the Apple Watch will benefit from a flatter screen, consistent with the American manufacturer's other products . It will therefore be perfected with a bit of redesign and recently updated display technology !

    We were analyzing this information when the media 91 mobiles, known for citing industrial sources, provided us with renderings of the connected watch . The different visuals confirm the words of journalist Mark Gurman, who claimed that the Apple Watch 7 would undergo a fairly spectacular design overhaul !

    As you can see in the image, the rounded, curved edges of the old version give way to a flat edge. Obviously, this hardly surprises us, since this change was noticed on the iPad Pro and on the latest iPhones. And as usual, Apple loves to standardize the design of all its devices!

    As for the appearance of the Apple Watch 7, it keeps its square-shaped case. The selection button, microphone and navigation crown are located on the right edge.  

    On the left, we find the two speakers, which seem a little larger than previous models. The strap is made of silicone and, as is often the case with previous versions, it is possible to replace them.

    The more efficient Apple Watch 7 with interesting features 

    Apple Watch 7 feature
    Credits: 91 mobiles

    Journalist Mark Gurman proclaimed it loud and clear: “ the connected watch has not only undergone a design overhaul ”. Based on the information relayed by our colleagues, we therefore affirm that the Apple Watch 7 has seen a clear improvement in both performance and functionality.

    To confirm this, the iMore reports that the future Apple Watch Series 7 would experience an operating system update and would be equipped with an ultra-fast processor than the current Apple Watch 6 . This is the S7 chip which will allow sports applications to monitor the performance of those who wear it and provide them with reports!

    That's not all ! You will definitely remember it if you bought it. The last generations of Apple Watch had poor battery life. It is therefore possible that this inconvenient situation will change with the new version. Other sources have also reported that Apple will integrate a blood sugar sensor into this new watch to measure blood sugar levels . Extraordinary, right?

    The Apple Watch: which version should you choose? 

    Apple Watch 7 new
    © Jon Prosser x Rendersbylan

    We now know what to expect in the coming days! A connected watch with advanced features and architectural design. What could be more wonderful for practicing a sporting activity!

    Are you a fan of Apple connected watches?

    You don't want to waste tens of euros on something you don't really like? No worries ! We have what you need ! We suggest the best Apple Watch models that you will definitely like.

    Discover them now by clicking here: 

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