Ctrl + Z: What is this amazing keyboard shortcut for?

To increase productivity on a computer, using a keyboard shortcut is essential. On Windows , the Ctrl + Z key combination is pretty much the perfect keyboard shortcut that lets you undo errors when you're running a task on your PC. In this article, find out how you can use the Ctrl + Z shortcut on your computer!

Ctrl + Z to undo writing and editing errors


Using Ctrl + Z generally occurs while creating or modifying text or a program. Whether you're writing an email or text in Word, editing code in coding software, or typing an address into your browser's search bar, pressing the Ctrl+Z key combination will help you will undo the last thing you composed.

This also applies to programs like Adobe PhotoShop , Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Indesign. Did you touch an image too much when creating it? Do you want to cancel the operation and continue your work? Ctrl + Z is the solution! At first glance, the Ctrl + Z shortcut seems like a key combination that can be used indefinitely. However, this is not always the case!

Indeed, with certain software like Adobe Photoshop, the number of times you can undo a previously performed action is limited (20 in total). And despite this, Huge Tips😉, you can still cancel an operation (in progress) by holding the Esc key (located in the upper left corner of the keyboard).


Another very useful keyboard shortcut Ctrl + M. Depending on the program you use, it may have different functions. For example, in Microsoft Word and other word processors, pressing Ctrl+M indents the paragraph. If you press this shortcut multiple times, the indentation increases each time. For example, you can hold down Ctrl and press M three times to indent three units. This is useful if you want to highlight an important passage or create a bulleted list.

Ctrl + Z to restore deleted files or folders

Ctrl + Z to restore deleted files or folders

Have you just deleted a folder or file? By mistake, have you deleted a program or application from the desktop? With the Ctrl + Z shortcut you can quickly restore them without any hassle!

Of course, the classic method is to go to the Trash, find the file in question and then click on the “ Restore ” option. To save more time and continue your work, just press the Ctrl + Z to make your folder reappear!

And as for undoing writing or editing errors, you can do it several times in a row, if you notice that you have unintentionally deleted a file from your computer.

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Ctrl + Y: The keyboard shortcut that reverses the Ctrl + Z undo command

Ctrl + Y: The keyboard shortcut that reverses the Ctrl + Z undo command

The Ctrl + Y command is used in more than 300 programs on a computer. It is generally used to redo an action canceled during the execution of a task. In other words, if you use Ctrl + Z to undo something, you can use Ctrl + Y to undo it. Just think of this keyboard shortcut as undoing Ctrl+Z !

This shortcut can be used in some of the programs you use daily on your computer: Microsoft Word or Excel, web browser, WindowsCalculator, etc. You can already try it and use it the next time you need it.

  • Open one of your text editors
  • Enter content
  • Press Ctrl + Z to delete everything then
  • Retrieve everything you wrote by pressing Ctrl+Y.

Ctrl+Z, great for creating files in Command Prompt

Ctrl+Z, great for creating files in Command Prompt

Besides its error removal or undo function, the Ctrl + Z combination allows you to create files in Windows Command Prompt .

Do you want to create a blank file on your computer? If you don't go through the " HTML Document " box and insert tags, we suggest you go directly via the Windows .

To do this :

  • Press the Windows + R . You will then see this image appear
command prompt
  • In the Open tab, type “ cmd ” then click OK! You will then access the command prompt:
  • In your command prompt, enter the text you want to see in your file, then press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z (which will appear as ^Z Windows Command Prompt )!
Copy Scan

IMPORTANT : Note that this does not work without the use of " COPY CON Command ", generally used to create files. You can also copy and paste the following text in your command prompt and then modify it:

copy con testfile.txt

[This line contains the text you want to appear in the file you create]

  • After that, press Enter!

Then browse your directory to find your file which is already there!

In addition, you can use the CTRL + Z to suspend a long running process in the command prompt. When you press the cancellation command, it sends a signal " SIGTSTP " which temporarily interrupts the process! To take it back, you know what to do: Ctrl + Z and voila 😉!

In conclusion , the Ctrl + Z keyboard shortcut is functional in almost all programs on your computer and allows you to move quickly with your work. Please note, however, that you will not be able to use it without a functional keyboard

If you don't have a good keyboard, consider repairing it. If after repair it still doesn't work well, maybe you should get an external keyboard? Here are the best models on the market that we recommend:

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