The graphics card has always played a major role in configurations. Although not everyone is aware of its usefulness yet except gamers.
Whether it's for PC gaming or video editing , or another hobby, getting a better quality graphics card can be essential !
Its main role is very simple, it ensures the display and quality of graphics on a computer . Its ability to produce beautiful images strongly depends on the characteristics of the screen you have (components, frequency, memory). In general, it is directly incorporated into the motherboard which makes it difficult to find and replace for beginners.
My computer does not have a graphics card: what should I do?

Unfortunately, if your computer does not have an integrated graphics card, it will be impossible for you to hope to do anything (too bad for you who were planning to play crazy games). Don't worry, there are several solutions available to you and we will give them to you 😊
Buy an external USB graphics card:
Recent on the market, the external graphics card is one of the best options for computers that do not have one, but also for configurations with basic components. Its sudden appearance on the market is mainly linked to the teleworking boom.
Many people have understood that putting aside graphics performance is a big mistake! Want to multi-screen with your laptop with 2 or 3 additional monitors? An external USB graphics card will therefore be the ideal solution! What's more annoying than an outdated computer...
If you want to buy one, there are affordable and quality peripherals, here are 3 models that we recommend without hesitation for multi-screens.
What solution to play on PC?
Hey yes, you understand, a simple external USB card will not be enough to run the most demanding games! You have a war machine to accomplish this feat! But nothing is lost. If you have a laptop that cannot run your favorite game. You can always connect your computer to an external graphics card thanks to the egpu box !
This box that you will connect to your laptop will allow you to use the best graphics cards of the moment! Here are the models available for purchase that we recommend:
The graphics chipset:
This term can seem a bit vague and some people don't necessarily understand what it means. The chipset is a set of chips that act as a graphics card inside a motherboard. Its role is to ensure the transmission of data between the processor and the motherboard.
If you don't have a processor or graphics card in your configuration, you can very well get one that will kill two birds with one stone. The best chipsets on the market are developed by Intel.
The internal graphics card:
Its role within your configuration is to transform digital data into graphic data, in other words, it is this element which allows you to obtain the images that you see on the screen.

Unlike the external graphics card, this is located inside your tower or laptop. It is therefore difficult to access it if you do not know anything about computers.
Being the most common form, many components are for sale on the market. Nvidia and ATI are the brands offering the best alternatives, but there are other lesser known ones. It is ideal for high-level gamers wanting extraordinary performance.
Why use the external graphics card?
At first glance, not using an internal graphics card in your configuration may seem far-fetched and incomprehensible for beginners in this field. However, if the external card exists, there is a good reason. We will even say several reasons.
Fear of risk:

As we've seen, incorporating a component into your tower or laptop when you're just a beginner or have little confidence in your abilities can quickly become complicated.
This is why the external graphics card is made for you, simply plug it into one of the available external ports and that's it.
Have a graphics card anywhere:
Here is the best reason to buy an external component, no matter where you go and when you go, you will have at your disposal the key element to play games or use software requiring heavy graphics easily and quickly.
In addition to being easy to carry, the external graphics card is compatible with all configurations at present. Whether you have a budget laptop or a competition laptop, you can integrate it to boost your skills.
Saving time:
How is it possible ? When your old card breathes its last, you will still have to disassemble your entire configuration to be able to access it and incorporate the new one you have just purchased...
By opting for the external graphics card, you can leave the previous one in its place even if it no longer works and use it directly. And hop ! Save time to play the best parts of your life online with your friends 😊