What does Placewithedits mean? Google tool…

For some time now, professionals and Internet users who use Google My Business pages or the Google Map application have been able to observe the appearance of the Placewithedits mention on the profiles of professionals in these applications.

We can then ask ourselves the question, but what does this term mean? What is its real use on Google My Business? On Google Maps? Does it change anything compared to SEO? We will see that the addition of this functionality can really be a little extra for both professionals and visitors.

What is the definition of the term: Placewithedits?

The term Placewithedits literally means: “place with modifications” or having had modifications. In this specific case, we are talking about the profiles of professionals on both platforms.

Placewithedits is first of all a tool that Google uses to confirm a modification that a professional has made on their Google My Business or Google Map account. Thanks to this mention, the professional knows that Google has taken his modifications into account in its algorithm (although this does not change much in terms of SEO) and that the page has been updated. Consequently, when information is modified, the notice appears for Internet users and in the event of no change, it disappears.

In addition, the Placewithedits mention provides interesting information for visitors as we will see.

What is the effect of Placewithedits on Google My Business?

When a professional decides to modify their Google My Business page, it automatically displays the words Placewithedits. The objective is to notify the future visitor that there has been a modification to the page here. Consequently, the visitor knows, thanks to this mention, that the professional in question is still active and that his business is experiencing developments.

Google My business Placewithedits

In addition, this also allows the professional to know that their modification has been taken into account by the algorithms, and even, that it has been validated and certified by the Google SERPs. Validation and certification are important for the professional, because it is their visibility that is at stake on the networks.

What are the changes on Google My Business that can cause the mention to appear? The appearance appears automatically for any type of addition. So, this concerns a logo, changes of time or location, an improvement of the description sheet, etc…

What is the effect of Placewithedits on Google Maps?

Google map Placewithedits

In addition to being present on the Google platform dedicated to the professional world, Placewithedits is also present on its geolocation application, Google Maps. Thus, not only does this mention allow the visitor to receive necessary and up-to-date information on real estate.

Google Maps Placewithdits allows you to show that a real estate location has undergone one or more modifications. This element is important for, for example, an investor who would like to have precise information on a commercial premises. If the latter is available or if, on the contrary, it is rented or for sale. For a simple customer, this allows him to know if the place he has to go to has ceased its activities or if it has resumed its activities.

We can understand as a logical consequence, to what extent this mention is of great use for professionals. The latter can communicate important elements postponed for future clients or investors, on real estate.

Does Placewithdits change anything in terms of SEO?

google user placewidthedits

Does this new feature change anything in SEO? So, not at all. Concretely, the addition of this new mention neither penalizes nor benefits SEO. It only provides details to users, the main ones of which are that your page is regularly updated and that your activity really exists.

SEO Placewithedits 1

As for SEO, the only solution to be better placed in terms of ranking remains content. It must be optimized for keywords and answer the questions asked.

What can I do to have a Placewithedits on my Google My Business and Goggle Map page?

google professional

If you want to have Placewithedits because of the benefits we mentioned above, know that it is not difficult to get it!

First, log in to your Google My Business and Google Map business account. Once in your account, click on the account profile photo then edit profile. When you have carried out this maneuver, all you have to do is change one detail of your profile such as, for example, the hours, the logo, a photo, etc.

Then validate the modification, and all you have to do is wait a few moments for Google to validate the update. And when it's done, placewithedits will appear on your profile.

However, if you wish to remove your mention, it is not yet possible to do so yourself. You will have to wait because the mention will be removed by itself after a certain period of time if you don't change anything in the meantime! So don't touch anything!


Although it doesn't change anything in terms of ranking and SEO, having a little Placewithedits mention from time to time is a good thing. This allows you to be sure that your changes have been taken into account. But also, this allows visitors to have information that you often update your account and therefore, that you exist.

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